4.9 on Capterra

Show your value proposition_

Create a powerful and beautiful website ROI calculator

Sell more by showing your customers the ROI of your product or service visually with a powerful website ROI calculator. Create landing pages. Embed on your website. No-code. Start for free.

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Easy no-code builder_

Your powerful ROI calculator builder

Does your product or service generate a positive outcome for your customers? If you answered with yes, your business generates a profitable Return on investment (ROI). The ROI is a percentage that is calculated by dividing the investment's net profit by its cost. Example, if you spend $100 on Google Ads that nets you $500 in sales, the ROI is 400%. Pretty sweet. An ROI calculator shows the value your customers get from purchasing your product or service. By quantifying your value proposition you visualize the value you create. This will motivate your prospects to further engage with your website. And ultimately boost conversion.

Visualize your value Icon

Visualize your value

By letting your customers calculate their potential ROI, you show them the value you can deliver them, which boosts conversions.

Capture leads Icon

Capture leads

Use our calculator forms to capture potential customers and follow them up with emails or send them documents such as quotes or whitepapers.

Vet your customers Icon

Vet your customers

Improve the quality of your leads by vetting your customers with our ROI calculator forms.

Clearly visualize your value proposition_

Increase your sales

An online calculator allows you to demonstrate instant returns or savings. This will help you explain how your product solves your customers’ problems or improves their situation. A simple calculator can even sit in your website's hero section. Which is the first thing your prospects see when engaging with your website. By creating transparancy early on, you will boost engagement and drive conversion.

Increase your sales 's Image

Create interactive content_

Increase engagement and conversion

With an ROI or savings calculator on your website, your customers can easily get a good value estimate. This gives your customers full transparency on the potential cost savings or increased returns of your product or service. We've also learned that the conversational tone of the tool, drives engagement. Together, transparency and interactiveness are demonstrated to have a positive effect on your conversion rate, leading to more customers.

Increase engagement and conversion 's Image
Your no-code builder


ConvertCalculator is the Swiss army knife for building ROI and savings calculators. See our product page and get inspired to start building.

Explore all features
Feature packed calculator builder Icon

Feature packed calculator builder

Create any kind of calculator form your want, with extensive question types, and beautiful layout and design options.

Powerful calculations Icon

Powerful calculations

If you know how to use Excel or Google Spreadsheets, you can use our calculator form builder.

Accept online payments Icon

Accept online payments

Accept online payments directly from a calculator. Perfect for down-payments or converting leads to customers on the spot.

Powerful integrations Icon

Powerful integrations

Integrate with your favorite CRM or marketing tool through Zapier. We integrate with 1000+ apps.

No coding skills required Icon

No coding skills required

You don't have to have technical skills to create and deploy your calculator.

Any platform, anywhere Icon

Any platform, anywhere

Set up in minutes on any website or use our standalone landingpage. ConvertCalculator integrates with every platform or CMS. 100% mobile support.

No credit card required_

Ready to show your value proposition?

Create your free ROI or savings form today.

Start for free

Don't just take it from us_

Used and loved by companies around the world

Explore customer stories


FAQ: Commonly asked questions about an ROI calculator for your website

Visit our docs if you want to learn more, or reach out to our support team. We’re very responsive.

Visit our docs

More leads in less time_

Start building the future of your company, today

Create powerful on brand calculators, lead generation forms and apps that automate your marketing and sales processes

Start for free

Start with a template

Find inspiration or customize an outstanding template, complete with functional formulas and flows to help you get started.

All templates

Let us build for you

We can build your calculator, and afterwards you can always make changes yourself. Our service starts at just $250.

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