What is a percentage calculator?

A percentage calculator performs calculations involving percentages. This makes it easier to solve problems related to increases, decreases, or comparisons of values.

It simplifies operations involving percentages without needing manual calculations. Percentage calculators can be especially useful for financial, academic, or business purposes.

Common uses of a percentage calculator:

  1. Finding a percentage of a number

  2. Calculating percentage increase or decrease

  3. Finding what percent one number is of another

  4. Calculating a number based on a percentage

  5. Percentage difference between two numbers

1. Finding a percentage of a number

What is 20% of 150? The calculator will multiply 150 by 20% (0.2) and produce the result (30).

2. Calculating percentage increase or decrease

Say a price increases from $100 to $120. The calculator can determine the percentage increase by comparing the difference to the original amount.


For this example: 120 - 100 = 20 / 100 = 0.2 x 100 = 20

So that gives you a 20% increase.

3. Finding what percent one number is of another

What percentage is 25 of 200? The calculator divides 25 by 200 and multiplies by 100, providing the answer (12.5%).

4. Calculating a number based on a percentage

If 30% of a number is 45, the calculator can figure out the original number by dividing 45 by 0.30. The original number is 150. So 30% of 150 is 45.

5. Percentage difference between two numbers

Useful for comparing two values and expressing the difference as a percentage.

Applications for a percentage calculator

Percentage calculators have various applications. Here are 3 with some examples.

Financial planning

Percentage calculators are widely used in finance. They handle calculations involving savings, loans, and investments.

  • Interest rates - calculate how much interest will accrue on savings or loans over time. Say you invest $1,000 in an account with a 5% annual interest rate. A percentage calculator can tell you how much interest you’ll earn in a year.

  • Loan repayments - determine monthly payments on loans, such as mortgages or car loans. Say your mortgage interest rate is 4% on a $200,000 loan. The calculator can help estimate how much interest you’ll pay over time.

  • Budgeting - calculate what percentage of your income is spent on expenses like rent, utilities, or savings when managing your household.

Business applications

Businesses use percentage calculators for various financial, operational, and strategic calculations.

  • Profit margins and markups - calculate your profit margins and the markup needed to sell a product at a profit. Say you sell a product for $100 that costs you $70 to make. A percentage calculator can determine your profit margin (30%).

  • Revenue growth or decline - track your revenue growth or decline by comparing it year over year or quarter over quarter. If last year’s revenue was $1,000,000 and this year’s is $1,200,000, a percentage calculator helps show a 20% growth.

  • Sales performance - monitor outcomes using percentage changes in sales targets versus actual sales. Say your target was to sell 500 units, but your team only sold 400. The calculator can find the percentage of the target met (80%).

Healthcare and fitness

Healthcare professionals and fitness enthusiasts use percentage calculators to track progress and manage health metrics.

  • Body fat percentage - use percentage calculators to determine body fat percentages based on measurements and formulas. This helps you track progress toward your fitness goals.

  • Caloric intake - a percentage calculator can help in nutrition planning. Say 40% of your daily calories should come from carbohydrates, and you consume 2,000 calories daily. The calculator can determine how many calories and grams of carbs you need.

  • Medication dosage - calculate the correct medication dosages. This is helpful when the dosage is based on body weight or age. Say a dose is 0.05% of a person’s weight. The calculator helps determine the correct amount to administer.

Benefits of a percentage calculator

Using a percentage calculator has many benefits, depending on your use case. Here are 3 top ones.

Saves time and effort

Get fast answers with a percentage calculator. Instead of manually working out percentages, a percentage calculator instantly delivers results. Eliminate the need for paper, pen, or mental math and speed up the process.

A percentage calculator offers quick comparisons between different percentages or scenarios. For instance, you can instantly calculate percentage returns when comparing investment options.

Reduces errors

Our percentage calculator gives you accurate results. Automating calculations reduces human error. Even a tiny mistake in a manual calculation can lead to losses, especially in business cases.

A percentage calculator offers consistent results across different calculations. Say you’re handling multiple transactions, budgets, or data sets. A calculator applies the same formula every time for more reliability.

Versatility across fields

Percentage calculators are helpful for personal finance, business cases, and academic use.

Maybe you want to calculate the tax you owe, the profit your business made, or what percentage you need on your final exam to pass your chemistry class.

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Create powerful on brand calculators, quote forms, lead generation funnels and that automate your marketing efforts and sales processes — without having to code.

© 2025, Stay Bold B.V.

Create powerful on brand calculators, quote forms, lead generation funnels and that automate your marketing efforts and sales processes — without having to code.

© 2025, Stay Bold B.V.