Glucose Ketone Index (GKI) Calculator template

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What is the Glucose Ketone Index (GKI)?

If you are familiar with the keto diet, you know all about ketones. Ketones are an alternative fuel source for the body when glucose is in short supply.

The glucose ketone index (GKI) is a metric that allows you to monitor the state of your metabolic health. Tracking your ketone levels, lets you know how far you are into ketosis. The GKI shows the relationship between your ketone levels and your glucose levels.

Stress, fasting, or a high-fat meal can affect your ketone measurement. A single reading is therefore not an accurate representation of your health. The GKI on the other hand combines glucose and ketone levels to provide a more complete picture. For example, even with ideal ketone levels for weight loss, high blood glucose levels can affect your health goals and prevent you from receiving the full benefits of ketosis.

The GKI number you strive for depends on your health goal, but generally, a lower GKI is preferred.

≥9 You have not reached ketosis yet.
6-9 You’re in a low level of ketosis. Ideal for anyone whose goal is weight loss or maintaining optimal health.
3-6 You’re in a moderate level of ketosis. Ideal for those with type 2 diabetes, obesity or insulin resistance.
≤3 You’re in a high therapeutic level of ketosis. Ideal for patients who have cancer, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease.

How to calculate Glucose Ketone Index (GKI)

The GKI formula is quite straightforward:

GKI = [Blood Glucose Result ÷ 18] ÷ Blood Ketone Result

By dividing the blood glucose result by 18, it converts the reading from mg/dL to mmol/L. Our GKI calculator gives you the ability to insert the blood glucose result in both measures.

What are the factors affecting your GKI?

In general, many lifestyle and environmental factors can affect your GKI because both ketone and glucose levels react to diet, exercise, stress, and environmental conditions. If you are trying to maintain a low GKI number, keep these habits in mind:

  • Fasting: After eating, it can be pretty tough to stay in a very low glucose-ketone range because there’s a degree of glucose increase. Practicing intermittent fasting can be beneficial for decreasing blood glucose levels, keeping GKI low, and maintaining good health.
  • Nutrition: If your glucose levels are high, eating a ketogenic diet and watching out for hidden carbs can help improve your GKI ratio.
  • Stress: When you’re stressed, hormones like cortisol and epinephrine are released, which can cause blood sugar to rise. To keep that ratio low, focus on daily stress-reducing practices, and try to get plenty of rest.

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