Date functions

Functions that handle or generate dates

A key strength of our Convert platform is its powerful date-handling capabilities. The table below lists the available date-related functions.

FUNCTION Description
TODAY Returns the current date as a text string
DAY Returns the day of the month as a number between 1 to 31 from a given date
MONTH Returns the month of the year as a number between 1 to 12 from a given date
YEAR Returns the year component of a date as a 4-digit number
HOUR Returns the hour component of a time as a number between 0-23
MINUTE Extracts the minute component of a time as a number between 0-59
SECOND Returns the second component of a time as a number between 0-59
NOW Returns the current date and time as a serial number
DATE Creates a valid date from individual year, month, and day components
PARSEDATE Converts a date that is stored as a serial number to a text string
DATEVALUE Converts a date that is stored as a text string to a serial number
EDATE Returns a date (as a serial number) on the same day of the month, n months in the past or future
WEEKDAY Takes a date and returns a number between 1-7 representing the day of the week
TIMEVALUE Converts a time represented as text into a proper 'Excel time'
DATEDIF Returns the difference between two date values in years, months, or days
DAYS Returns the number of days between two dates
WORKDAY Takes a date and returns the nearest working day n days in the future or past
NETWORKDAYS Calculates the number of working days between two dates


Returns the current date as a text string.

  • The function does not require any arguments.
  • The date returned is based on UTC time.
  • The returned date is formatted as a text string.


Returns the day of the month as a number between 1 and 31 from a given date.

  • date: A valid date value or text string representing a date. You can also use references for date questions e.g. QA, or insert a serial date.


Returns the month of the year as a number between 1 and 12 from a given date.

  • date: A valid date value or text string representing a date. You can also use references for date questions e.g. QA, or insert a serial date.


Returns the year component of a date as a 4-digit number.

  • date: A valid date value or text string representing a date. You can also use references for date questions e.g. QA, or insert a serial date.


Returns the hour component of a time as a number between 0 and 23.

  • time: A valid time value or text string representing a time. You can also use references for time questions e.g. QA.


Extracts the minute component of a time as a number between 0 and 59.

  • time: A valid time value or text string representing a time. You can also use references for time questions e.g. QA.


Returns the second component of a time as a number between 0 and 59.

  • time: A valid time value or text string representing a time. You can also use references for time questions e.g. QA.


Returns the current date and time as a serial number.

  • The function does not require any arguments.
  • The date returned is based on UTC time.
  • The returned date is formatted as a text string.


Creates a valid date from individual year, month, and day components.

DATE(year, month, day)
  • year: A four-digit integer representing the year.
  • month: An integer representing the month (1 to 12).
  • day: An integer representing the day (1 to 31).
  • All arguments must be numeric values.
  • If the month or day values are out of their usual ranges, the function adjusts the date accordingly (e.g., month 13 advances to January of the following year).


Converts a date that is stored as a serial number to a text string.

  • serial_number: A valid date serial number representing a date.
  • The serial number must correspond to a valid date in the platform's date system.
  • Returns a text string formatted as a date.


Converts a date that is stored as a text string to a serial number.

  • date_text: A text string representing a date. You can also use references for date-questions, such as QA.
  • If date_text is not a valid date, the function returns an error.


Returns a date (as a serial number) on the same day of the month, n months in the past or future.

EDATE(start_date, months)
  • start_date: A valid date value or serial number.
  • months: An integer representing the number of months to add (positive) or subtract (negative).
  • Returns a serial number representing the new date.
  • If start_date is not valid, the function returns an error.


Takes a date and returns a number between 1 and 7 representing the day of the week.

WEEKDAY(date, [return_type])
  • date: A valid date value or serial number.
  • return_type (optional): An integer determining the numbering scheme:
    • 1 or omitted: Numbers 1 (Sunday) through 7 (Saturday).
    • 2: Numbers 1 (Monday) through 7 (Sunday).
    • 3: Numbers 0 (Monday) through 6 (Sunday).
  • Returns an integer corresponding to the day of the week.
  • If date is not valid, the function returns an error.

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