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Advanced formulas_
Put your business logic in a calculator form
Let your website visitors turn the knobs and calculate their price, ROI, or savings, in a form on your website.
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How can ConvertCalculator help you put your business logic in a calculator form?_
Your Swiss army knife for building calculation forms
Assign values
Connect your formula to your form inputs by assigning values to elements (e.g. multiple choice, selection or dropdown). Simple, but powerful.
Formula builder
Create anything you need with our bespoke formula builder. From straightforward to highly complex calculations. We've got you covered.
External data
Does your business logic rely on extensive input data? Datasheets will help you turn your Excel files into a calculation form that converts.
Flexible, versatile & powerful_
Loved by 1,000+ businesses around the world
We were spending 3-7 days to price and quote a project. With our lead funnel, it's completely automated.
Stephan knight
Director, JSJ Smart Homes
Customers self-quote quickly and efficiently — It saves time and improves customer satisfaction.
Frank Sandqvist
Founder, Smidyo
Demand-based pricing & real-time availability booking is the holy grail. Convert_ is crazy powerful.
Justin Goodhart
Founder, Goodhart Coffee
Convert_ is flexible, cost efficient, feature-rich, and integrates perfectly with HubSpot.
Ashley Johnston
Marketer & advertiser
It's straight-forward: my team will be able to adjust it themselves and make iterations super easy.
Michiel Esveld
Project Lead, Rabo Innovations
Customers tailor pricing to their budget on my website. When they submit, they're ready to book.
Matt Reilly
Founder, Rift Photography
We now capture leads through tailored questions and provide real-time ROI calculations.
Warre Vandoorne
Marketing manager, Eltex
Convert_ is a versatile builder with smart and responsive support that quickly got us started!
Shelly Goodman
Marketing & advertising
Building our configurator was very effective. It's looking professional and fits with our brand.
Jorrit Heidbuchel
Co-founder, Ellio
We're no more missing leads, and we've got a lot of increase in conversion.
Growth marketeer
FAQ: Common 'Calculation' questions
Visit our docs if you want to learn more, or reach out to our support team. We’re very responsive.
What do you mean by 'formula builder'?
The formula builder is our mechanism for creating formulas and variables. You can compare our formula builder to the "formula bar" in Excel. There is one difference though. Cells in Excel can function as an input and an output value. In ConvertCalculator, formulas always display output value. That is why we do not require an '=' symbol before you type. Adding an ' = ' before your formula, will throw an error.
How do I make a formula with the outputs of two questions?
You can reference the value of a question by including the question reference in the formula. E.g. if you want multiply question A and question B, your formula becomes 'QA * QB'.
For number-questions, the output value is clear. For multiple choice and multiple selection questions, there is value tied to each option. This makes it possible to use these types of questions as well.
Does ConvertCalculator support functions such as IF?
Yes, ConvertCalculator supports most functions that are used in Excel. This makes it super powerful to use your business logic in a calculator or create decision trees / conditional logic.
For the full list of the functions we support, visit this page