The Big 3 Calculator

Calculate Potential Feed Savings, Weaning Weights, & Breed Up

# of Mother Cows *

(fill out with your numbers)


Approx. Annual Feed Cost (Hay, Sileage, etc.)*

Example: $10,000 (edit to be your numbers)

Desired Feed Savings %*

How much do you hope to save?

Additional Supplements You Could Reduce/Cut Out*

With Riomax, you do not need to feed any extra cake, cubes, pellets, creep feed, or grain. What's the approximate total annual cost of supplements that you could reduce?


Historical Average Weaning Weights*

Average weight per head. Example: 600 pounds (edit to be your numbers)

Desired Increase of Weaning Weights*

How many pounds per calf do you hope to increase?

Desired Estimated Calf Sale Value at Weaning*

Worth how many dollars per pound? Example: $1.50 (edit to be your numbers)


Current Breed Up/Conception Rate*

Average Percentage. Example: 90% (edit to be your numbers)

Desired Increase in Breed Up/Conception Rates*

How much do you hope to increase? Example: 5%

Total Gained & Saved:

With what you've inputted, this is the value of your potential gains & savings, through feed savings, increased breed up, and higher weaning weights!

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