Cost Per Head Per Day Calculator

To use this calculator you must fill out or edit every segment to get the exact calculation you are looking for. By filling out the brand it does NOT auto fill the $/ton & consumption. To find cost/hd/day on the Riomax® products you can go their product page. At the top menu of this site you can find the products tab. From there you can pick your product you'd like to view $/hd/day & more details.

What brand you would like to calculate?*

Cost per ton (aka, cost per 2,000 lbs)*

Recommended HIGH side of consumption.*

Use decimals (ex: 1/2 lb = 0.5). Riomax is .33.

Recommended LOW side of consumption.*

Use decimals (ex: 1/2 lb = 0.5). Riomax is .125.

Calculated High Side

Click CALCULATE to get result...

Calculated Low Side

Click CALCULATE to get result...

Average Cost

Click CALCULATE to get result...

NOTE: Riomax has the following quantity discounts: 3% discount on 5 ton, 8% discount on 10 ton, and 14% discount on 20 ton.