Every business is pumping out content online and wrestling for attention. Like ancient Greek combatants, but your Olympia is the digital arena.

You’re up against millions of others trying to flick the curiosity switch in viewers’ brains. To convince them to stop the scroll. Hoping they’ll land on your content and spend precious time there.

Good content is everywhere now, so “good” doesn’t cut it anymore. You need to find a competitive edge.

The reason we’re giving you this definitive rundown.

Because interactive content gets more engagement than static content. Interactivity offers a superb way to wrest attention away from competitors.

This extensive article will cover: 

  • What is Interactive Content?

  • 10 Mind blowing Interactive Content Statistics

  • Interactive Elements for Electric Content Marketing

  • 9 Types of Interactive Content to Give You the Cutting Edge

  • Real-Life Moneymaking Interactive Content Examples

  • 11 Reasons Interactive Content is Uber Powerful

  • How to Create the Best Interactive Content

  • Effectively Using Interactive Content

  • Top 5 Interactive Content Tools

What is Interactive Content?

If you’re here on this page (and thank you), you’re reading this content. So far, you’re consuming static content.

Most content people pump out is static. Because audience members are passive participants when they read an article or watch a video.

Interactive content is different.

Interactivity invites active participation from consumers. You engage with the content in a different way than static consumption.

For instance, say you’re environmentally aware and want to calculate the costs and impact of installing solar. You can use an interactive sustainability calculator.

You actively participate in the process, inputting data and getting instant results.

Interactive content rests on user participation to encourage engagement.

Convert co-founder Bas Hennephof is a huge fan of interactive content because...

It creates engagement, transparency, and trust - solid foundations for doing business. I also love the insights you get with interactive content. Collecting data at scale lets you learn more about your audience and helps you score and qualify leads.

Get interactive and try out our sustainability calculator below.


10 Mindblowing Interactive Content Statistics

I could rattle out word after word telling you how amazing interactive content is for your business. But as a content creator, I always lean towards showing instead of telling - sometimes with words only, sometimes with an infographic like the one below.

10 interactive  content statistics that show how effective interactive content is

Interactive Elements for Electric Content Marketing

Content marketing involves drafting, creating, publishing, promoting, and sharing content with your audience.

You might do that through:

  • Email newsletters

  • Press releases

  • Social media

  • Podcasts

  • Blogs

The goal is to broaden your reach, grow your audience, engage people, build strong relationships, convert customers, and retain customer loyalty.

Including interactive elements in your content marketing gives you a head start on reaching those goals.

A solid content strategy targets people at different stages of the marketing funnel.

You’ll create content for:

  • Top of the funnel - Generating awareness in your business

  • Middle of the funnel - Guiding people to consider your products

  • Bottom of the funnel - Persuading them to buy and become customers

  • Post funnel - Fostering customer connections and retaining customer loyalty

Let's look at how interactive elements in your content can help for each stage.

Top of the funnel (TOFU)

a funnel focussing top of the funnel prospects

You want to get the word out about your business and generate awareness. What business owner doesn’t?

You reckon social media is a logical starting point - great choice!

The problem? Your competitors are on social platforms trying to do the same.

But you’re reading this fantabulous article about interactive content and decide to include an interactive element in your post.

We’ll say your business is selling hair products. Your social media post incorporates an interactive quiz where people submit their contact details to discover information about their hair type.

It turns out people love taking these quizzes on social media. Your post gets tons of engagement, and users share it with friends.

You just drummed up heaps of awareness using an interactive element in your content. Broadening your reach, growing your audience, and capturing new leads feels like an adrenaline shot.

Middle of the funnel (MOFU)

middle of the funnel prospects

You’ve chipped away at TOFU content, and your content marketing strategy is flying so far. It’s time to throw some MOFU content into the mix and guide people to consider your products.

Good thing you captured those leads and contact details. Perfect for starting an email campaign to engage prospects and build strong relationships.

The quiz gave you more info than email addresses, though. You also know all the different hair types your leads have.

You’re smart. So, you create an interactive calculator to include in your emails. It shows prospects how much product they need to treat their hair type and how much it’ll cost.

The calculator records interactions and integrates with analytics platforms, letting you gather more customer insights. Now, you can target those leads who showed a keen interest in your products. You’re on a roll.

Bottom of the funnel (BOFU)

bottom of the funnel prospects

Email is a great marketing outlet for BOFU content, so you decide to stick with it. You send a sales email to the prospects who showed a strong interest in your MOFU content.

This sales email links to a landing page showcasing your products. Like any landing page worth its salt, testimonials communicate the positive experiences of your many happy customers.

The interactive product configurator you embedded into the landing page awaits those interested. You’re smart and programmed it with a 20% discount.

Customers can complete their orders directly from the landing page - from product selection to payment. Because you added a payment button to the product configurator, letting customers pay on the spot.

Sit back as your interactive content converts customers.

Post funnel

Converting customers feels invigorating, right? But you can’t rest on your laurels.

You have a brilliant opportunity to foster connections and retain customer loyalty.

And you guessed it. Interactive elements in your content help forge customer advocacy.

Offer more valuable content and continued support. Connect with people after they become paying customers.

An interactive survey is one way to stay connected with buyers.

Ask them about their experiences. Give them the option to make recommendations for improvement.

You get their feedback while showing them you value their opinions. It’s a win-win.

9 Types of Interactive Content to Give You the Cutting Edge

You’ve seen 10 mind-blowing interactive content statistics showing how effective interactive content is for marketing your business. You also know how interactive elements can electrify your content throughout the marketing funnel.

Now, let’s explore 9 types of interactive content that’ll give you the cutting edge over your competitors.

1. Calculators

Online calculators are fantastic for maximizing engagement when people visit your website. It’s almost impossible to skip past a calculator without inputting your data and getting personalized results - for me, anyway.

Calculators not only increase engagement but also help you to connect more with website visitors. This link fosters relationships and guides prospects on the customer journey.

Let’s say your business is in the financial sector, for instance. A finance calculator on your website is perfect for educating your potential customers about their economic situations.

Educating visitors helps you to:

  • Show expertise

  • Build authority and trust

  • Empower potential customers

  • Maximize leads and conversions

Calculators are perfect for gaining leverage over your competitors.


2. Product Configurators

Let me start with this fascinating tidbit: Product configurators are the most effective type of interactive content for the bottom of the funnel - Content Marketing Institute and Ion Interactive.

So, product configurators are super effective when people are ready to buy. Including them in your content maximizes your conversion potential.

A product configurator allows potential customers to customize products to suit their needs.

  • People can visit your site

  • Use the product configurator

  • Choose the exact configuration

  • See an image of the product

  • Buy it on the configurator

No wonder product configurators are so powerful for bottom-of-the-funnel content.


3. Quizzes

When building brand awareness, quizzes are one of the most effective tools in your kit. Exactly why I used an interactive quiz as an example of electrifying top-of-the-funnel content.

You already know quizzes are fun, attract heaps of engagement, and get shared a lot on social media. Some of the reasons they’re perfect for spreading the word about your business.

But you may not know this: Quizzes are also an excellent way to capture and qualify leads. The fun and engaging properties do the capturing, while the questions you ask do the qualifying.

Based on respondents’ answers, you can gauge their buying interest in your products. Customer insights like these are gold for your marketing strategy.

Quizzes can also be built into your advertising to improve engagement and return on ad spend (ROAS).


4. Surveys

Surveys tap into our intrinsic human desire for expression and feedback.

Invite customers to share their:

  • Opinions

  • Preferences

  • Experiences

Interactive surveys establish a valuable dialogue between you and your audience.

This engagement fosters connection and trust with your customers. Surveys show that you value their feedback.

And you should. Because this feedback gives you precious insights into your target market. Instead of guessing what your customers think, you get a deep understanding of their needs, preferences, and pain points.

Such data lets you make strategic marketing decisions while tailoring your services to help customers even more. I’d say that’s a perfect one-two for higher conversions.


5. Assessments

Interactive assessments are a powerful weapon in your marketing arsenal. They give you an advantage over competitors using traditional content.

Don’t bring static content to an interactive content fight.

Don’t bring a gun to a knife fight definitely sounds better lol. Anyway…

Interactive tests captivate audiences by asking questions related to their interests or needs. 

This forges a sense of involvement. It keeps users engaged and invested in the content.

They also deliver personalized results tailored to specific answers. You can make product recommendations customized to individual preferences or challenges for an enhanced user experience.

Interactive assessments are a powerful lead-generation tool for these reasons. Ask for contact information in exchange for results.

You generate high-quality leads from engaged prospects. Those chasing solutions are primed for further nurturing and conversion into loyal customers.


6. Interactive Infographics

When thinking about the cutting edge of marketing, infographics don’t immediately spring to mind. Infographics have been around for years, displaying data with a visual touch.

Infographics have been declared dead and buried many times. But they’re the Lazarus of content marketing, miraculously rising to life again.

The truth is that infographics have never been dead. But they often get overlooked because of oversaturation.

Infographics have had to evolve to grab people’s attention anew. Interactive infographics have become the next step on the evolutionary ladder.

NeoMam’s 13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics is an excellent example of an attention-grabbing interactive infographic.

7. Interactive Maps

An interactive map visually depicts a physical location, changing as a user engages with the content. Google Street View is a familiar example of an interactive map.

Interactive maps help to engage your audience and encourage them to consume your content.

For instance, say you run a travel business doing guided tours. You could create interactive maps for each destination, showing potential customers what each location offers.

Storytelling is also a powerful application for interactive maps. Netflix created an interactive map of the Continent for The Witcher - love that show.

Using interactive maps would be effective if you have various business locations. You could use interactivity to tell the story behind each location.

8. Games

Who doesn’t love games? Not only are they entertaining, but they can also educate potential customers about your products.

There’s a reason 93% of marketers rate interactive content as effective for educating the buyer. Games offer an entertaining way of showcasing your products.

Interactive games are expensive to create, unlike interactive content like calculators, product configurators, and quizzes with Convert. This makes games less feasible for your marketing strategy.

If you’ve got the budget, games are excellent for:

  • Generating engagement

  • Sharing on socials

  • Backlinks

9. Interactive Webinars

Lead generation, lead nurturing, and sales are the main benefits of using interactive webinars. This is more effective for B2B businesses.

B2B webinars have a high lead-generation rate. Attendees converting into leads is as high as 73% through webinars.

Creating an interactive webinar is easier than ever. So, you can host a live event with a Q&A where you answer questions about your services.

This format is fantastic for:

  • Showcasing product benefits

  • Educating prospects

  • Engaging users

  • Building trust

  • Converting

Real-Life Moneymaking Interactive Content Examples

Statistics on interactive content support its effectiveness. But seeing the benefits in action is always good.

Here are three real-life moneymaking interactive content examples.

1. Ellio

interactive product configurator for electric bikes

Ellio is a Belgian speed pedelec manufacturer. The company aims to revolutionize the e-bike industry by incorporating automotive technology into a new breed of e-bikes.

Ellio had a problem, though. The e-bikes have various configurations, so people can customize a bike before buying. This resulted in a slow quoting process through phone and email - until Ellio started using Convert.

The guys at Ellio created a product configurator with Convert. It allows customers to configure e-bikes to their liking on Ellio’s website and get an instant quote.

Ellio got 4x more leads with this interactive content, a noticeable rise in website traffic, and higher conversion rates.

Check out the Ellio Case Study for the whole story.

2. Heineken

heineken bottle slider game showing bottles and a mobile phone in the foreground

To promote its brand in Ireland, Heineken launched its legendary bottle slider game. The company delivered the game as a multi-screen online display ad - bottles and target on a primary screen and control of the paddle on a smartphone screen.

The company funnelled users to an ad when they completed the game. This popular game got +2 million views and +78,000 individual players in 24 hours.

It proved useful for Heineken, helping the company raise brand awareness and boost sales in the Emerald Isle.

3. Duracell

duracell interactive game with participants faces and their scores

Wunderman Thompson partnered with Duracell to create Bunny Hop. The marketing agency built the game for Duracell using Spark AR, Meta’s Augmented Reality platform, and launched it on Instagram.

In the retro-style game, players control the Duracell Bunny and try to complete an obstacle course. The bunny must leap over rocks, cacti, and walls to finish the game. A boost from Duracell batteries along the way makes it easier, allowing the bunny to smash through obstacles.

According to Jonothan Hunt, senior creative technologist at Wunderman Thompson, people were playing for two and a half minutes on average.

That’s more engagement than you can expect with static content.

Go here for more real-life examples of interactive content marketing.

11 Reasons Interactive Content is Uber-Powerful

text giving 11 Reasons Interactive Content is Uber-Powerful

The majority of marketers prefer interactive content over static content. There must be reasons for the preference.

You’ll want to start using interactive elements after reading these 11 reasons interactive content is uber-powerful - if you don’t already.

1. Enhanced user engagement

starships in battle

We’re constantly bombarded with content - information flying at us from all directions. Like laser cannon blasts at the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars.

We’re getting emails, watching videos, sharing memes, scrolling the feed, skipping ads. Capturing and maintaining user attention is more challenging than ever.

This is where interactive content shines brighter in an already gleaming content galaxy.

As you know, interactive content invites users to actively participate rather than passively consume.

These dynamic experiences captivate users and keep them immersed in the content.

One of the primary reasons interactive content is so powerful is its ability to enhance user engagement. Unlike traditional static content, interactive elements prompt users to take action, making the experience more enjoyable and memorable.

Users become active participants in the content journey - from clicking buttons to answering questions to manipulating virtual elements. It’s almost impossible not to engage with interactive content because we’re hardwired for interaction.

Interactive content also provides immediate feedback and quenches our thirst for instant gratification. This feedback loop fuels continued engagement, encouraging users to explore and spend more time on your content.

As a result, you can forge deeper connections with your audience and achieve higher levels of engagement than ever before.

2. Increased brand awareness

zebra with pink mohawk representing increased brand awareness

Establishing a strong brand presence is central to success. Interactive content can help you stand out in whatever zebra zeal your industry is in.

Have you ever heard of pattern interrupt?

This is a psychological trigger that snaps people from their typical habits. Similar to how the bolded question above may have interrupted your scroll.

I’m in the copywriting industry. 

Everyone is “captivating” this and “brand voicing” that. It’s hard to stand out from competitors. 

Pity I used that zebra reference already - it’d work perfectly here.

You need something to help you get noticed. Some way to interrupt the pattern. A leg-up to pop your head above a sea of competitors.

Why not use interactive content for the boost you need?

Say you’re in construction, you could let potential customers design a home from start to finish - like a tiny house builder company might. When you do something different, it interrupts the pattern and raises your brand awareness.

Leave a lasting impression and make an impact with interactive content. It can be your unexpected pink mohawk that grabs people’s attention.

3. Personalized user experience

Interactive content lets you deliver a personalized experience to customers and prospects. Versatile tools like calculators and quizzes help you tailor interactions to the unique preferences and interests of each user.

Static content offers a broader approach to audience experiences. Whereas interactive content allows you to dynamically adjust outcomes based on user interactions, preferences, and demographics.

Creating highly relevant and personalized information is possible with interactive content.  This resonates more with users compared to broader content.

You might use interactive assessments that deliver customized recommendations or interactive product configurators that showcase personalized product options.

4. Data collection and insights

Data helps with informed decision-making and strategic marketing initiatives. Gathering information is a powerful feature of interactive content, allowing you to extract actionable insights.

Static content offers limited opportunities for data capture. Whereas the participatory nature of interactive content encourages users to input their details in exchange for valuable results.

You can track user responses in quizzes and surveys or interactions with interactive elements like calculators. Did they complete their responses? If not, where did they exit the content?

Complete and partial submissions offer helpful feedback. The former offers precious insights into wants, needs, and desires. The latter tells you what to improve in your interactive content for better future results.

Data and insights help you refine your marketing strategies moving forward.

5. Improved learning outcomes

interactive loan payment calculator

Interactive content helps educate consumers about your business. That’s why 93% of marketers rate interactive content as effective for educating buyers.

You might find it hard to communicate the features and benefits of your products, especially if you’re in a complex industry like financial services. Including interactive content in your marketing materials is super helpful.

For instance, you could let potential customers use a financial calculator to showcase your products. Interacting with the tool and getting results makes learning about the features and benefits easier.

Interactivity is more immersive and helps people connect on a deeper level through participation. Describing the features and explaining the benefits would be less effective.

You tell someone about your complex financial service - they forget. You visually show them how it works - they remember. You let them interact with a tool - they understand.

6. Adaptability and versatility

Interactive elements are flexible and multifaceted tools that not only meet the evolving needs of audiences but also adapt to various platforms and formats with ease.

Where to embed interactive content:

  • Social media posts/ads

  • Email newsletters

  • Landing pages

  • Blog articles

  • Website

Interactive content caters to different audience segments, addresses diverse topics, and serves various marketing objectives. Use it for:

  1. Top of the funnel

  2. Middle of the funnel

  3. Bottom of the funnel

  4. Post funnel

You can repurpose and repackage interactive content across channels and platforms, maximizing its reach and impact. For instance, using the same interactive test for social media and email campaigns is easy. Simply embed the tool where you need it.

7. Mobile-friendly and accessible

Are you reading this article on your mobile? There’s a 63% chance you are if you’re in America and found it through Google Search.

How do I know? Because 63% of Google searches occur on mobile in the U.S.

Mobile devices account for most of the screen time globally, with the average person spending 3hrs 46mins on their smartphones in 2023. With over 4.8 billion smartphone users worldwide, that’s a massive amount of screen time.

The bottom line? You need to be pumping out content accessible on mobile. Luckily, interactive content tools like Convert are optimized for mobile.

Use QR codes so your audience can instantly access your content straight from their mobile.

Engage and connect with your audience where they spend the most time. Mobile-friendly interactive content ensures you deliver the best possible user experience.

8. Social sharing and virality


Interactive content like quizzes are super sharable on social media. The most shared quiz published between 2017-2022 got a total of 5.5 million social interactions.

That shows the power of quizzes for sparking engagement and driving virality across social platforms.

Chances are you won’t get that level of interaction. But that doesn’t mean people won’t share your interactive content. And who knows, you might go viral.

Each share is a new connection extending outwards, reaching more users and attracting new people. This increases brand awareness and grows your audience.

Virality without taking advantage of it is a missed opportunity, though. The lead-capture capabilities of interactive content means you can reap the regards of high engagement.

Invite users to exchange contact details for results, and you’re golden.

9. Long-term value and sustainability

Interactive content offers long-term value and sustainability. You might know this as evergreen content.

This type of content doesn’t become outdated over time. And your interactive content likely falls into this category - unless you’re Apple creating content for the latest iPhone.

Interactive content based on your products or services is unlikely to become irrelevant. The interactive experiences you deliver will continue to engage and connect with people long after the initial launch.

Create interactive content to:

  • Address customer needs

  • Identify pain points

  • Offer solutions

This formula is timeless, so your content will remain evergreen.

Interactive content tends to have a longer shelf life than traditional static content. Because its dynamic and engaging nature encourages users to revisit and interact with it multiple times.

Also, a user’s circumstances might change. Inputting new data into interactive content like a sustainability calculator will give them a different result.

10. Enhanced customer relationships

With so much industry competition, fostering meaningful customer relationships is chief for building loyalty and advocacy. Interactive content can help you deepen connections and forge long-lasting relationships.

Surveys are an excellent way to create loyalty and turn customers into brand advocates. They show customers you:

  • Value their opinions

  • Want to help them solve problems

  • Will use their feedback to make improvements

A survey can establish a bond between you and your customers. You’re in this together, participating in the process and shaping outcomes.

This is much better than a traditional seller/consumer relationship, which can feel impersonal or one-sided. Colder than a blast of Arctic wind.

Of course, two-way communication also gives you valuable customer feedback. Not only does it strengthen relationships, but it also offers you insights for product development.

Everyone’s a winner with interactive content.

11. Lead generation and conversion

icons representing lead generation and conversion - sales funnel

Lead generation and conversions are the fuel that launches business growth. Interactive content is the spark needed to ignite the gas and send you on your way.

These two statistics tell the story:

  1. 75% of marketers agree that non-gated interactive content can provide a “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing.

  2. Interactive content generates 2x more conversions than static content.

The last stat is the big one. What would your business look like if you doubled your conversion rate? I bet 100% more sales would go down well, like your favorite drink relaxing by the beach.

So, why does interactive content drive lead generation and increase conversions?

The answer lies in the reasons we covered:

  • Enhanced user engagement - An engaged audience is more likely to hand over their contact details, allowing you to guide them on the customer journey to conversion.

  • Increased brand awareness - Bigger audience → higher engagement → more leads (if you play your cards right) → higher conversion potential.

  • Personalized user experience - Relevant and personalized information resonates with your audience because it addresses their preferences and needs, driving leads and conversions.

  • Data collection and insights - Analyzing data on engagement and conversions and gaining insights through customer feedback lets you double down on what’s working and discard what isn’t.

  • Improved learning outcomes - Active learning helps prospects retain information about your business, like features and benefits, increasing your chances of securing leads and conversions.

  • Adaptability and versatility - Use interactive content for all stages of the marketing funnel and across various platforms, covering all your bases for more leads and conversions.

  • Mobile-friendly and accessible - Meets potential customers where they spend the most time to boost leads and conversions.

  • Social sharing and virality - Reach more people and attract new prospects, ensuring targeted content captures more leads.

  • Long-term value and sustainability - Evergreen content has long-term value. It can attract leads and convert new customers for longer.

  • Enhanced customer relationships - Turn customers into loyal brand advocates who will buy from you again and filter new leads to your business (don’t sleep on word of mouth and glowing customer reviews).

Handling interactive content well lets you cash in on more leads and higher conversions. Let’s keep the momentum going and dive into creating the best interactive content.

How to Create the Best Interactive Content


How do you expertly wield interactive content like a master artist wielding their paintbrush? Caravaggio created paintings while you want to produce interactive content - two distinct pursuits.

But make no mistake, there’s an art to crafting interactive elements that generate leads and boost conversions. This section shows you how to create the best interactive content that resonates with your audience and achieves your marketing goals.

  1. Define your goals

  2. Know your audience

  3. Choose the best format

  4. Develop compelling content

  5. Give your visitors value

  6. Pay attention to UX

  7. Promote content

1. Define your goals

Start by identifying your reasons for creating interactive content. You might want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or boost conversion rates.

Clarifying your goals will guide the content creation process and ensure alignment with your overall marketing strategy. Because different types of interactive content work better for various goals.

For instance, quizzes and tests are an outstanding way to increase brand awareness. Whereas product configurators are better suited to increasing conversions.

2. Know your audience

Knowing your target audience's preferences, interests, and pain points helps you create interactive content that resonates with them. Conduct audience research, analyze demographic data, and gather feedback. Gain insights into their needs and preferences.

You could even use interactive content like surveys to gather insights from existing customers. Current customers will act like a mirror to the people you want to target.

Find out precisely how your business helps people solve their problems. Sending a feedback survey to existing customers can be priceless.

Another option is creating polls and posting them on social media. The data can help you peer into the minds of potential customers.

3. Choose the best format

Always match your goals with the best interactive content tool for the job. I’ve never seen a gardener trying to cut down a tree with a spade - they’d be at it for a while.

Select the type of interactive content that best suits your objectives. Say you want to target people considering your services - you’ll need to use middle-of-the-funnel content.

An interactive calculator might be your best bet. Potential customers could compare your services based on their needs and discover the best solutions.

The content helps them evaluate their options and make educated decisions. A calculator was the right tool for the job in that scenario.

4. Develop compelling content

Compelling content lies at the heart of any successful interactive content strategy. Think of it as the main ingredient in your interactive content marketing cocktail.

Make it irresistible to your target audience. Make it easy to swallow.

Create informative, entertaining, and relevant content. Craft engaging questions if you’re building a quiz or test, and provide clear instructions for calculators and surveys.

Always ensure the content is easy to understand because confusion is an engagement killer. Use conversational language to make your content relatable, encouraging viewers to interact.

Address the problems potential customers face, prompting them to provide meaningful responses. Use visuals, multimedia elements, and interactive features to grab attention and make the content more engaging.

5. Give your visitors value

Your interactive content should offer value to your audience. Provide actionable insights, personalized recommendations, or entertaining experiences.

Address their needs, solve their problems, or satisfy their curiosity. Keep them engaged and returning for more.

For instance, a banking business might use a finance calculator to give prospects valuable insights into their economic situations. It could show them:

  • How much money they need to save for a house deposit

  • How long that might take

  • Mortgage plans to suit their needs.

Your audience will engage with your interactive content if they get value in return.

6. Pay attention to UX

Design your interactive content with the UX (user experience) in mind. Make it visually appealing to attract attention and easy to navigate to hold it. Your audience will lose interest and leave if your content is too complicated.

Mobile-friendly interactive content is more important than ever. We’re engaging with businesses on mobile at a higher rate. Accommodating users across different devices and platforms is crucial.

Test your interactive content thoroughly for mobile and tablet. Identify usability issues or technical glitches and optimize accordingly.

7. Promote content

No point in creating the best interactive content if you don't promote it. Your audience might not find and engage with it - what a waste.

Get the word out across your marketing channels to reach your target audience. Share your interactive content on social media, include it in email campaigns, feature it on your website, and funnel leads to landing pages containing it.

Monitor its performance, track key metrics, and iterate based on user feedback to continuously improve its effectiveness.

Effectively Using Interactive Content

lord of the rings image of gandalf overlaid with a graph

This section outlines a hypothetical marketing campaign effectively using interactive content: Your Quest to Financial Wellness. I like “Quest” because it has Lord of the Rings vibes - I’m a LOTR geek.

I chose the financial services industry because companies like Rabobank use Convert with great success - check out our Rabobank Case Study to see the results.

Let’s jump into the campaign with interactive content.

Top of the funnel (awareness stage)

Grab attention and get some eyeballs on our interactive content to raise awareness. Here’s how.

  • Interactive content type: Financial health quiz

  • Goal: Attract a broad audience interested in personal finance and educate them about it.

  • Content brief: Create an interactive quiz to help people assess their financial health and suggest areas for improvement. Include questions about budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debts.

  • Distribution channels: Promote the quiz on social media, set up influencer partnerships, include it in blog articles targeting organic search and link to it in personal finance forums. Or you could create an ad campaign.

This gives us a good starting point for the campaign.

Check out a quick tip for spreading awareness with interactive content.

Middle of the funnel (consideration stage)

Time to focus more on the people interested in the quiz. We target them with more specific interactive content.

  • Interactive content type: Budgeting calculator

  • Goal: Nurture leads and offer users personalized help with budgeting.

  • Content brief: Build an interactive budgeting calculator that allows your audience to input their income, expenses, and financial goals. Offer personalized recommendations and tips for optimizing their budgets to become financially stable.

  • Distribution channels: Embed the budgeting calculator on the company’s website, send targeted emails that include the calculator, and promote it through the email newsletter to target current subscribers interested in financial planning. Offer incentives to those who complete the calculator - like a downloadable PDF guide with additional budgeting tips and strategies.

The audience should be nicely warmed up now.

Check out a quick tip for guiding buyer consideration with interactive content.

Bottom of the funnel (decision stage)

Our target audience here is aware of the business, familiar with what it offers, and trust it because they received valuable information.

  • Interactive content type: Investment portfolio builder

  • Goal: Convert leads into customers by offering personalized investment advice.

  • Content brief: Create an interactive investment portfolio builder that helps users design a customized investment strategy based on their risk tolerance, investment goals, and time horizon. Offer guidance on diversified portfolios and investment products aligned with their financial objectives.

  • Distribution channels: Feature the investment portfolio builder prominently on the company's product pages, promote it through retargeted Meta and Google Ads, and send it in sales emails. Give users who complete the portfolio builder a discount on investment advisory services.

We should be well set up for conversions to start rolling in.

Check out a quick tip for boosting conversions with interactive content.

Post funnel (retention and advocacy stage)

Check in with new customers to engage them further and help them on their quest to financial wellness.

  • Interactive content type: Financial wellness challenge

  • Goal: Retain and engage customers while fostering brand advocacy.

  • Content brief: Launch a financial wellness challenge with interactive content, encouraging customers to set and achieve specific financial goals. Support participants with interactive tools and resources like savings trackers, goal-setting worksheets, and progress dashboards.

  • Distribution channels: Ask customers to join the financial wellness challenge through email invitations, in-app notifications, and social media announcements. Encourage participants to share their progress on social media with a branded hashtag and offer rewards for completing the challenge and sharing experiences.

Guiding people on their quest to financial wellness and continuing to strengthen connections with them after conversion will win the company more fans. Perfect for retaining customers and building brand loyalty.

Top 5 Interactive Content Tools

  1. Convert

  2. Involve.me

  3. Outgrow

  4. Zembula

  5. Calculoid

1. Convert

interactive homepage of convertcalculator

This dynamic software has a range of capabilities. Create complex interactive calculators, product configurators, quizzes, surveys, and assessments - without coding skills.

This interactive content might be complex on the back end, but it’s user-friendly for your audience. Interacting with your business is simple, helping you increase engagement.

With a drag-and-drop builder, this interactive content tool is also user-friendly. Building content is easy, and you can choose from various templates to make it even easier.

Here are some pros of using this powerful interactive content tool:

* Complex question branching

* Embed into any website

* No coding skills needed

* Seamless integration

* Multi-functional tool

* High customization

* Unlimited users

* Free plan

Whether you want to make a simple survey or a complex interactive calculator, using the best interactive content tool will help you get it done.

Convert’s motto is: “Simple things are easy, hard things are possible.”


involve me homepage

This interactive content tool lets you make quizzes, surveys, and calculators. Available templates make it easy for you to create content to meet your needs.

The no-code builder has a drag-and-drop feature, making it user-friendly. You can create calculators using Excel-like formulas without any coding knowledge.

This tool offers 40+ templates to make creating quizzes, surveys, and calculators easy. It integrates with CRM tools and common email marketing services and supports payment integration.

Using Involve.me comes at a higher price point, it lacks customization options, and users are limited (only 3 on the highest plan).


outgrow homepage

This interactive content tool offers a range of options - calculators, quizzes, surveys, chatbots, and assessments. It also has a range of integrations, including with popular software like Mailchimp, HubSpot, and Salesforce.

Embed interactive content on your website, popup windows, and customer chat modules. The last option is a nice feature for connecting with customers immediately.

Check how your interactive content performs with solid analytics and data integration. This is great for changing what doesn’t work and doubling down on what does.

With 1,000+ pre-optimized templates, this software makes creating interactive content easy. The top tiers are pricey, though, with Essentials limited to three users and business limited to ten.


zembula homepage

Zembula specializes in enhancing email marketing efforts through interactive content. Its flagship features - Smart Banner and Smart Block - offer unique advantages.

The dynamic Smart Banner updates email content with real-time cart and item information when users open an email. Smart Block personalizes the sales process, delivering individualized customer data such as offers or point balances to effectively boost sales.

This software also helps you optimize email imagery. Notably, emails get updated with fresh data upon opening, ensuring a personalized experience no matter when recipients open them.


calculoid homepage

This interactive content tool lets you create web calculators, quizzes, and polls. The interface is user-friendly, using a drag-and-drop builder. You can create interactive content without any technical skills.

The free version lets you create content with up to 500 monthly views. But this version is severely limited otherwise.

You won’t get access to templates, online payment options, multi-page calculators, and more. They offer a 30-day full-featured trial, so you can at least test the software to see if it works for you.

There are plenty of interactive content tools to create unique content like interactive maps, interactive games, learning experiences and more.


We did it. Your definitive rundown to interactive content. Encouraging your audience to actively participate in your content has many benefits.

  • Enhance engagement

  • Increase brand awareness

  • Strengthen customer relationships

These are just some advantages of using interactive content.

Ultimately, including interactive elements in your content drives lead generation and increases conversions.

These outcomes fuel your business growth.

Create interactive content using Convert - without coding skills.

We’ve lowered the barrier of entry to interactive content. Bypass the need to spend big on interactive elements with our powerful software.

Sign up for a free forever account and invite your audience to participate in:

Get interactive with Convert.

Every business is pumping out content online and wrestling for attention. Like ancient Greek combatants, but your Olympia is the digital arena.

You’re up against millions of others trying to flick the curiosity switch in viewers’ brains. To convince them to stop the scroll. Hoping they’ll land on your content and spend precious time there.

Good content is everywhere now, so “good” doesn’t cut it anymore. You need to find a competitive edge.

The reason we’re giving you this definitive rundown.

Because interactive content gets more engagement than static content. Interactivity offers a superb way to wrest attention away from competitors.

This extensive article will cover: 

  • What is Interactive Content?

  • 10 Mind blowing Interactive Content Statistics

  • Interactive Elements for Electric Content Marketing

  • 9 Types of Interactive Content to Give You the Cutting Edge

  • Real-Life Moneymaking Interactive Content Examples

  • 11 Reasons Interactive Content is Uber Powerful

  • How to Create the Best Interactive Content

  • Effectively Using Interactive Content

  • Top 5 Interactive Content Tools

What is Interactive Content?

If you’re here on this page (and thank you), you’re reading this content. So far, you’re consuming static content.

Most content people pump out is static. Because audience members are passive participants when they read an article or watch a video.

Interactive content is different.

Interactivity invites active participation from consumers. You engage with the content in a different way than static consumption.

For instance, say you’re environmentally aware and want to calculate the costs and impact of installing solar. You can use an interactive sustainability calculator.

You actively participate in the process, inputting data and getting instant results.

Interactive content rests on user participation to encourage engagement.

Convert co-founder Bas Hennephof is a huge fan of interactive content because...

It creates engagement, transparency, and trust - solid foundations for doing business. I also love the insights you get with interactive content. Collecting data at scale lets you learn more about your audience and helps you score and qualify leads.

Get interactive and try out our sustainability calculator below.


10 Mindblowing Interactive Content Statistics

I could rattle out word after word telling you how amazing interactive content is for your business. But as a content creator, I always lean towards showing instead of telling - sometimes with words only, sometimes with an infographic like the one below.

10 interactive  content statistics that show how effective interactive content is

Interactive Elements for Electric Content Marketing

Content marketing involves drafting, creating, publishing, promoting, and sharing content with your audience.

You might do that through:

  • Email newsletters

  • Press releases

  • Social media

  • Podcasts

  • Blogs

The goal is to broaden your reach, grow your audience, engage people, build strong relationships, convert customers, and retain customer loyalty.

Including interactive elements in your content marketing gives you a head start on reaching those goals.

A solid content strategy targets people at different stages of the marketing funnel.

You’ll create content for:

  • Top of the funnel - Generating awareness in your business

  • Middle of the funnel - Guiding people to consider your products

  • Bottom of the funnel - Persuading them to buy and become customers

  • Post funnel - Fostering customer connections and retaining customer loyalty

Let's look at how interactive elements in your content can help for each stage.

Top of the funnel (TOFU)

a funnel focussing top of the funnel prospects

You want to get the word out about your business and generate awareness. What business owner doesn’t?

You reckon social media is a logical starting point - great choice!

The problem? Your competitors are on social platforms trying to do the same.

But you’re reading this fantabulous article about interactive content and decide to include an interactive element in your post.

We’ll say your business is selling hair products. Your social media post incorporates an interactive quiz where people submit their contact details to discover information about their hair type.

It turns out people love taking these quizzes on social media. Your post gets tons of engagement, and users share it with friends.

You just drummed up heaps of awareness using an interactive element in your content. Broadening your reach, growing your audience, and capturing new leads feels like an adrenaline shot.

Middle of the funnel (MOFU)

middle of the funnel prospects

You’ve chipped away at TOFU content, and your content marketing strategy is flying so far. It’s time to throw some MOFU content into the mix and guide people to consider your products.

Good thing you captured those leads and contact details. Perfect for starting an email campaign to engage prospects and build strong relationships.

The quiz gave you more info than email addresses, though. You also know all the different hair types your leads have.

You’re smart. So, you create an interactive calculator to include in your emails. It shows prospects how much product they need to treat their hair type and how much it’ll cost.

The calculator records interactions and integrates with analytics platforms, letting you gather more customer insights. Now, you can target those leads who showed a keen interest in your products. You’re on a roll.

Bottom of the funnel (BOFU)

bottom of the funnel prospects

Email is a great marketing outlet for BOFU content, so you decide to stick with it. You send a sales email to the prospects who showed a strong interest in your MOFU content.

This sales email links to a landing page showcasing your products. Like any landing page worth its salt, testimonials communicate the positive experiences of your many happy customers.

The interactive product configurator you embedded into the landing page awaits those interested. You’re smart and programmed it with a 20% discount.

Customers can complete their orders directly from the landing page - from product selection to payment. Because you added a payment button to the product configurator, letting customers pay on the spot.

Sit back as your interactive content converts customers.

Post funnel

Converting customers feels invigorating, right? But you can’t rest on your laurels.

You have a brilliant opportunity to foster connections and retain customer loyalty.

And you guessed it. Interactive elements in your content help forge customer advocacy.

Offer more valuable content and continued support. Connect with people after they become paying customers.

An interactive survey is one way to stay connected with buyers.

Ask them about their experiences. Give them the option to make recommendations for improvement.

You get their feedback while showing them you value their opinions. It’s a win-win.

9 Types of Interactive Content to Give You the Cutting Edge

You’ve seen 10 mind-blowing interactive content statistics showing how effective interactive content is for marketing your business. You also know how interactive elements can electrify your content throughout the marketing funnel.

Now, let’s explore 9 types of interactive content that’ll give you the cutting edge over your competitors.

1. Calculators

Online calculators are fantastic for maximizing engagement when people visit your website. It’s almost impossible to skip past a calculator without inputting your data and getting personalized results - for me, anyway.

Calculators not only increase engagement but also help you to connect more with website visitors. This link fosters relationships and guides prospects on the customer journey.

Let’s say your business is in the financial sector, for instance. A finance calculator on your website is perfect for educating your potential customers about their economic situations.

Educating visitors helps you to:

  • Show expertise

  • Build authority and trust

  • Empower potential customers

  • Maximize leads and conversions

Calculators are perfect for gaining leverage over your competitors.


2. Product Configurators

Let me start with this fascinating tidbit: Product configurators are the most effective type of interactive content for the bottom of the funnel - Content Marketing Institute and Ion Interactive.

So, product configurators are super effective when people are ready to buy. Including them in your content maximizes your conversion potential.

A product configurator allows potential customers to customize products to suit their needs.

  • People can visit your site

  • Use the product configurator

  • Choose the exact configuration

  • See an image of the product

  • Buy it on the configurator

No wonder product configurators are so powerful for bottom-of-the-funnel content.


3. Quizzes

When building brand awareness, quizzes are one of the most effective tools in your kit. Exactly why I used an interactive quiz as an example of electrifying top-of-the-funnel content.

You already know quizzes are fun, attract heaps of engagement, and get shared a lot on social media. Some of the reasons they’re perfect for spreading the word about your business.

But you may not know this: Quizzes are also an excellent way to capture and qualify leads. The fun and engaging properties do the capturing, while the questions you ask do the qualifying.

Based on respondents’ answers, you can gauge their buying interest in your products. Customer insights like these are gold for your marketing strategy.

Quizzes can also be built into your advertising to improve engagement and return on ad spend (ROAS).


4. Surveys

Surveys tap into our intrinsic human desire for expression and feedback.

Invite customers to share their:

  • Opinions

  • Preferences

  • Experiences

Interactive surveys establish a valuable dialogue between you and your audience.

This engagement fosters connection and trust with your customers. Surveys show that you value their feedback.

And you should. Because this feedback gives you precious insights into your target market. Instead of guessing what your customers think, you get a deep understanding of their needs, preferences, and pain points.

Such data lets you make strategic marketing decisions while tailoring your services to help customers even more. I’d say that’s a perfect one-two for higher conversions.


5. Assessments

Interactive assessments are a powerful weapon in your marketing arsenal. They give you an advantage over competitors using traditional content.

Don’t bring static content to an interactive content fight.

Don’t bring a gun to a knife fight definitely sounds better lol. Anyway…

Interactive tests captivate audiences by asking questions related to their interests or needs. 

This forges a sense of involvement. It keeps users engaged and invested in the content.

They also deliver personalized results tailored to specific answers. You can make product recommendations customized to individual preferences or challenges for an enhanced user experience.

Interactive assessments are a powerful lead-generation tool for these reasons. Ask for contact information in exchange for results.

You generate high-quality leads from engaged prospects. Those chasing solutions are primed for further nurturing and conversion into loyal customers.


6. Interactive Infographics

When thinking about the cutting edge of marketing, infographics don’t immediately spring to mind. Infographics have been around for years, displaying data with a visual touch.

Infographics have been declared dead and buried many times. But they’re the Lazarus of content marketing, miraculously rising to life again.

The truth is that infographics have never been dead. But they often get overlooked because of oversaturation.

Infographics have had to evolve to grab people’s attention anew. Interactive infographics have become the next step on the evolutionary ladder.

NeoMam’s 13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics is an excellent example of an attention-grabbing interactive infographic.

7. Interactive Maps

An interactive map visually depicts a physical location, changing as a user engages with the content. Google Street View is a familiar example of an interactive map.

Interactive maps help to engage your audience and encourage them to consume your content.

For instance, say you run a travel business doing guided tours. You could create interactive maps for each destination, showing potential customers what each location offers.

Storytelling is also a powerful application for interactive maps. Netflix created an interactive map of the Continent for The Witcher - love that show.

Using interactive maps would be effective if you have various business locations. You could use interactivity to tell the story behind each location.

8. Games

Who doesn’t love games? Not only are they entertaining, but they can also educate potential customers about your products.

There’s a reason 93% of marketers rate interactive content as effective for educating the buyer. Games offer an entertaining way of showcasing your products.

Interactive games are expensive to create, unlike interactive content like calculators, product configurators, and quizzes with Convert. This makes games less feasible for your marketing strategy.

If you’ve got the budget, games are excellent for:

  • Generating engagement

  • Sharing on socials

  • Backlinks

9. Interactive Webinars

Lead generation, lead nurturing, and sales are the main benefits of using interactive webinars. This is more effective for B2B businesses.

B2B webinars have a high lead-generation rate. Attendees converting into leads is as high as 73% through webinars.

Creating an interactive webinar is easier than ever. So, you can host a live event with a Q&A where you answer questions about your services.

This format is fantastic for:

  • Showcasing product benefits

  • Educating prospects

  • Engaging users

  • Building trust

  • Converting

Real-Life Moneymaking Interactive Content Examples

Statistics on interactive content support its effectiveness. But seeing the benefits in action is always good.

Here are three real-life moneymaking interactive content examples.

1. Ellio

interactive product configurator for electric bikes

Ellio is a Belgian speed pedelec manufacturer. The company aims to revolutionize the e-bike industry by incorporating automotive technology into a new breed of e-bikes.

Ellio had a problem, though. The e-bikes have various configurations, so people can customize a bike before buying. This resulted in a slow quoting process through phone and email - until Ellio started using Convert.

The guys at Ellio created a product configurator with Convert. It allows customers to configure e-bikes to their liking on Ellio’s website and get an instant quote.

Ellio got 4x more leads with this interactive content, a noticeable rise in website traffic, and higher conversion rates.

Check out the Ellio Case Study for the whole story.

2. Heineken

heineken bottle slider game showing bottles and a mobile phone in the foreground

To promote its brand in Ireland, Heineken launched its legendary bottle slider game. The company delivered the game as a multi-screen online display ad - bottles and target on a primary screen and control of the paddle on a smartphone screen.

The company funnelled users to an ad when they completed the game. This popular game got +2 million views and +78,000 individual players in 24 hours.

It proved useful for Heineken, helping the company raise brand awareness and boost sales in the Emerald Isle.

3. Duracell

duracell interactive game with participants faces and their scores

Wunderman Thompson partnered with Duracell to create Bunny Hop. The marketing agency built the game for Duracell using Spark AR, Meta’s Augmented Reality platform, and launched it on Instagram.

In the retro-style game, players control the Duracell Bunny and try to complete an obstacle course. The bunny must leap over rocks, cacti, and walls to finish the game. A boost from Duracell batteries along the way makes it easier, allowing the bunny to smash through obstacles.

According to Jonothan Hunt, senior creative technologist at Wunderman Thompson, people were playing for two and a half minutes on average.

That’s more engagement than you can expect with static content.

Go here for more real-life examples of interactive content marketing.

11 Reasons Interactive Content is Uber-Powerful

text giving 11 Reasons Interactive Content is Uber-Powerful

The majority of marketers prefer interactive content over static content. There must be reasons for the preference.

You’ll want to start using interactive elements after reading these 11 reasons interactive content is uber-powerful - if you don’t already.

1. Enhanced user engagement

starships in battle

We’re constantly bombarded with content - information flying at us from all directions. Like laser cannon blasts at the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars.

We’re getting emails, watching videos, sharing memes, scrolling the feed, skipping ads. Capturing and maintaining user attention is more challenging than ever.

This is where interactive content shines brighter in an already gleaming content galaxy.

As you know, interactive content invites users to actively participate rather than passively consume.

These dynamic experiences captivate users and keep them immersed in the content.

One of the primary reasons interactive content is so powerful is its ability to enhance user engagement. Unlike traditional static content, interactive elements prompt users to take action, making the experience more enjoyable and memorable.

Users become active participants in the content journey - from clicking buttons to answering questions to manipulating virtual elements. It’s almost impossible not to engage with interactive content because we’re hardwired for interaction.

Interactive content also provides immediate feedback and quenches our thirst for instant gratification. This feedback loop fuels continued engagement, encouraging users to explore and spend more time on your content.

As a result, you can forge deeper connections with your audience and achieve higher levels of engagement than ever before.

2. Increased brand awareness

zebra with pink mohawk representing increased brand awareness

Establishing a strong brand presence is central to success. Interactive content can help you stand out in whatever zebra zeal your industry is in.

Have you ever heard of pattern interrupt?

This is a psychological trigger that snaps people from their typical habits. Similar to how the bolded question above may have interrupted your scroll.

I’m in the copywriting industry. 

Everyone is “captivating” this and “brand voicing” that. It’s hard to stand out from competitors. 

Pity I used that zebra reference already - it’d work perfectly here.

You need something to help you get noticed. Some way to interrupt the pattern. A leg-up to pop your head above a sea of competitors.

Why not use interactive content for the boost you need?

Say you’re in construction, you could let potential customers design a home from start to finish - like a tiny house builder company might. When you do something different, it interrupts the pattern and raises your brand awareness.

Leave a lasting impression and make an impact with interactive content. It can be your unexpected pink mohawk that grabs people’s attention.

3. Personalized user experience

Interactive content lets you deliver a personalized experience to customers and prospects. Versatile tools like calculators and quizzes help you tailor interactions to the unique preferences and interests of each user.

Static content offers a broader approach to audience experiences. Whereas interactive content allows you to dynamically adjust outcomes based on user interactions, preferences, and demographics.

Creating highly relevant and personalized information is possible with interactive content.  This resonates more with users compared to broader content.

You might use interactive assessments that deliver customized recommendations or interactive product configurators that showcase personalized product options.

4. Data collection and insights

Data helps with informed decision-making and strategic marketing initiatives. Gathering information is a powerful feature of interactive content, allowing you to extract actionable insights.

Static content offers limited opportunities for data capture. Whereas the participatory nature of interactive content encourages users to input their details in exchange for valuable results.

You can track user responses in quizzes and surveys or interactions with interactive elements like calculators. Did they complete their responses? If not, where did they exit the content?

Complete and partial submissions offer helpful feedback. The former offers precious insights into wants, needs, and desires. The latter tells you what to improve in your interactive content for better future results.

Data and insights help you refine your marketing strategies moving forward.

5. Improved learning outcomes

interactive loan payment calculator

Interactive content helps educate consumers about your business. That’s why 93% of marketers rate interactive content as effective for educating buyers.

You might find it hard to communicate the features and benefits of your products, especially if you’re in a complex industry like financial services. Including interactive content in your marketing materials is super helpful.

For instance, you could let potential customers use a financial calculator to showcase your products. Interacting with the tool and getting results makes learning about the features and benefits easier.

Interactivity is more immersive and helps people connect on a deeper level through participation. Describing the features and explaining the benefits would be less effective.

You tell someone about your complex financial service - they forget. You visually show them how it works - they remember. You let them interact with a tool - they understand.

6. Adaptability and versatility

Interactive elements are flexible and multifaceted tools that not only meet the evolving needs of audiences but also adapt to various platforms and formats with ease.

Where to embed interactive content:

  • Social media posts/ads

  • Email newsletters

  • Landing pages

  • Blog articles

  • Website

Interactive content caters to different audience segments, addresses diverse topics, and serves various marketing objectives. Use it for:

  1. Top of the funnel

  2. Middle of the funnel

  3. Bottom of the funnel

  4. Post funnel

You can repurpose and repackage interactive content across channels and platforms, maximizing its reach and impact. For instance, using the same interactive test for social media and email campaigns is easy. Simply embed the tool where you need it.

7. Mobile-friendly and accessible

Are you reading this article on your mobile? There’s a 63% chance you are if you’re in America and found it through Google Search.

How do I know? Because 63% of Google searches occur on mobile in the U.S.

Mobile devices account for most of the screen time globally, with the average person spending 3hrs 46mins on their smartphones in 2023. With over 4.8 billion smartphone users worldwide, that’s a massive amount of screen time.

The bottom line? You need to be pumping out content accessible on mobile. Luckily, interactive content tools like Convert are optimized for mobile.

Use QR codes so your audience can instantly access your content straight from their mobile.

Engage and connect with your audience where they spend the most time. Mobile-friendly interactive content ensures you deliver the best possible user experience.

8. Social sharing and virality


Interactive content like quizzes are super sharable on social media. The most shared quiz published between 2017-2022 got a total of 5.5 million social interactions.

That shows the power of quizzes for sparking engagement and driving virality across social platforms.

Chances are you won’t get that level of interaction. But that doesn’t mean people won’t share your interactive content. And who knows, you might go viral.

Each share is a new connection extending outwards, reaching more users and attracting new people. This increases brand awareness and grows your audience.

Virality without taking advantage of it is a missed opportunity, though. The lead-capture capabilities of interactive content means you can reap the regards of high engagement.

Invite users to exchange contact details for results, and you’re golden.

9. Long-term value and sustainability

Interactive content offers long-term value and sustainability. You might know this as evergreen content.

This type of content doesn’t become outdated over time. And your interactive content likely falls into this category - unless you’re Apple creating content for the latest iPhone.

Interactive content based on your products or services is unlikely to become irrelevant. The interactive experiences you deliver will continue to engage and connect with people long after the initial launch.

Create interactive content to:

  • Address customer needs

  • Identify pain points

  • Offer solutions

This formula is timeless, so your content will remain evergreen.

Interactive content tends to have a longer shelf life than traditional static content. Because its dynamic and engaging nature encourages users to revisit and interact with it multiple times.

Also, a user’s circumstances might change. Inputting new data into interactive content like a sustainability calculator will give them a different result.

10. Enhanced customer relationships

With so much industry competition, fostering meaningful customer relationships is chief for building loyalty and advocacy. Interactive content can help you deepen connections and forge long-lasting relationships.

Surveys are an excellent way to create loyalty and turn customers into brand advocates. They show customers you:

  • Value their opinions

  • Want to help them solve problems

  • Will use their feedback to make improvements

A survey can establish a bond between you and your customers. You’re in this together, participating in the process and shaping outcomes.

This is much better than a traditional seller/consumer relationship, which can feel impersonal or one-sided. Colder than a blast of Arctic wind.

Of course, two-way communication also gives you valuable customer feedback. Not only does it strengthen relationships, but it also offers you insights for product development.

Everyone’s a winner with interactive content.

11. Lead generation and conversion

icons representing lead generation and conversion - sales funnel

Lead generation and conversions are the fuel that launches business growth. Interactive content is the spark needed to ignite the gas and send you on your way.

These two statistics tell the story:

  1. 75% of marketers agree that non-gated interactive content can provide a “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing.

  2. Interactive content generates 2x more conversions than static content.

The last stat is the big one. What would your business look like if you doubled your conversion rate? I bet 100% more sales would go down well, like your favorite drink relaxing by the beach.

So, why does interactive content drive lead generation and increase conversions?

The answer lies in the reasons we covered:

  • Enhanced user engagement - An engaged audience is more likely to hand over their contact details, allowing you to guide them on the customer journey to conversion.

  • Increased brand awareness - Bigger audience → higher engagement → more leads (if you play your cards right) → higher conversion potential.

  • Personalized user experience - Relevant and personalized information resonates with your audience because it addresses their preferences and needs, driving leads and conversions.

  • Data collection and insights - Analyzing data on engagement and conversions and gaining insights through customer feedback lets you double down on what’s working and discard what isn’t.

  • Improved learning outcomes - Active learning helps prospects retain information about your business, like features and benefits, increasing your chances of securing leads and conversions.

  • Adaptability and versatility - Use interactive content for all stages of the marketing funnel and across various platforms, covering all your bases for more leads and conversions.

  • Mobile-friendly and accessible - Meets potential customers where they spend the most time to boost leads and conversions.

  • Social sharing and virality - Reach more people and attract new prospects, ensuring targeted content captures more leads.

  • Long-term value and sustainability - Evergreen content has long-term value. It can attract leads and convert new customers for longer.

  • Enhanced customer relationships - Turn customers into loyal brand advocates who will buy from you again and filter new leads to your business (don’t sleep on word of mouth and glowing customer reviews).

Handling interactive content well lets you cash in on more leads and higher conversions. Let’s keep the momentum going and dive into creating the best interactive content.

How to Create the Best Interactive Content


How do you expertly wield interactive content like a master artist wielding their paintbrush? Caravaggio created paintings while you want to produce interactive content - two distinct pursuits.

But make no mistake, there’s an art to crafting interactive elements that generate leads and boost conversions. This section shows you how to create the best interactive content that resonates with your audience and achieves your marketing goals.

  1. Define your goals

  2. Know your audience

  3. Choose the best format

  4. Develop compelling content

  5. Give your visitors value

  6. Pay attention to UX

  7. Promote content

1. Define your goals

Start by identifying your reasons for creating interactive content. You might want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or boost conversion rates.

Clarifying your goals will guide the content creation process and ensure alignment with your overall marketing strategy. Because different types of interactive content work better for various goals.

For instance, quizzes and tests are an outstanding way to increase brand awareness. Whereas product configurators are better suited to increasing conversions.

2. Know your audience

Knowing your target audience's preferences, interests, and pain points helps you create interactive content that resonates with them. Conduct audience research, analyze demographic data, and gather feedback. Gain insights into their needs and preferences.

You could even use interactive content like surveys to gather insights from existing customers. Current customers will act like a mirror to the people you want to target.

Find out precisely how your business helps people solve their problems. Sending a feedback survey to existing customers can be priceless.

Another option is creating polls and posting them on social media. The data can help you peer into the minds of potential customers.

3. Choose the best format

Always match your goals with the best interactive content tool for the job. I’ve never seen a gardener trying to cut down a tree with a spade - they’d be at it for a while.

Select the type of interactive content that best suits your objectives. Say you want to target people considering your services - you’ll need to use middle-of-the-funnel content.

An interactive calculator might be your best bet. Potential customers could compare your services based on their needs and discover the best solutions.

The content helps them evaluate their options and make educated decisions. A calculator was the right tool for the job in that scenario.

4. Develop compelling content

Compelling content lies at the heart of any successful interactive content strategy. Think of it as the main ingredient in your interactive content marketing cocktail.

Make it irresistible to your target audience. Make it easy to swallow.

Create informative, entertaining, and relevant content. Craft engaging questions if you’re building a quiz or test, and provide clear instructions for calculators and surveys.

Always ensure the content is easy to understand because confusion is an engagement killer. Use conversational language to make your content relatable, encouraging viewers to interact.

Address the problems potential customers face, prompting them to provide meaningful responses. Use visuals, multimedia elements, and interactive features to grab attention and make the content more engaging.

5. Give your visitors value

Your interactive content should offer value to your audience. Provide actionable insights, personalized recommendations, or entertaining experiences.

Address their needs, solve their problems, or satisfy their curiosity. Keep them engaged and returning for more.

For instance, a banking business might use a finance calculator to give prospects valuable insights into their economic situations. It could show them:

  • How much money they need to save for a house deposit

  • How long that might take

  • Mortgage plans to suit their needs.

Your audience will engage with your interactive content if they get value in return.

6. Pay attention to UX

Design your interactive content with the UX (user experience) in mind. Make it visually appealing to attract attention and easy to navigate to hold it. Your audience will lose interest and leave if your content is too complicated.

Mobile-friendly interactive content is more important than ever. We’re engaging with businesses on mobile at a higher rate. Accommodating users across different devices and platforms is crucial.

Test your interactive content thoroughly for mobile and tablet. Identify usability issues or technical glitches and optimize accordingly.

7. Promote content

No point in creating the best interactive content if you don't promote it. Your audience might not find and engage with it - what a waste.

Get the word out across your marketing channels to reach your target audience. Share your interactive content on social media, include it in email campaigns, feature it on your website, and funnel leads to landing pages containing it.

Monitor its performance, track key metrics, and iterate based on user feedback to continuously improve its effectiveness.

Effectively Using Interactive Content

lord of the rings image of gandalf overlaid with a graph

This section outlines a hypothetical marketing campaign effectively using interactive content: Your Quest to Financial Wellness. I like “Quest” because it has Lord of the Rings vibes - I’m a LOTR geek.

I chose the financial services industry because companies like Rabobank use Convert with great success - check out our Rabobank Case Study to see the results.

Let’s jump into the campaign with interactive content.

Top of the funnel (awareness stage)

Grab attention and get some eyeballs on our interactive content to raise awareness. Here’s how.

  • Interactive content type: Financial health quiz

  • Goal: Attract a broad audience interested in personal finance and educate them about it.

  • Content brief: Create an interactive quiz to help people assess their financial health and suggest areas for improvement. Include questions about budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debts.

  • Distribution channels: Promote the quiz on social media, set up influencer partnerships, include it in blog articles targeting organic search and link to it in personal finance forums. Or you could create an ad campaign.

This gives us a good starting point for the campaign.

Check out a quick tip for spreading awareness with interactive content.

Middle of the funnel (consideration stage)

Time to focus more on the people interested in the quiz. We target them with more specific interactive content.

  • Interactive content type: Budgeting calculator

  • Goal: Nurture leads and offer users personalized help with budgeting.

  • Content brief: Build an interactive budgeting calculator that allows your audience to input their income, expenses, and financial goals. Offer personalized recommendations and tips for optimizing their budgets to become financially stable.

  • Distribution channels: Embed the budgeting calculator on the company’s website, send targeted emails that include the calculator, and promote it through the email newsletter to target current subscribers interested in financial planning. Offer incentives to those who complete the calculator - like a downloadable PDF guide with additional budgeting tips and strategies.

The audience should be nicely warmed up now.

Check out a quick tip for guiding buyer consideration with interactive content.

Bottom of the funnel (decision stage)

Our target audience here is aware of the business, familiar with what it offers, and trust it because they received valuable information.

  • Interactive content type: Investment portfolio builder

  • Goal: Convert leads into customers by offering personalized investment advice.

  • Content brief: Create an interactive investment portfolio builder that helps users design a customized investment strategy based on their risk tolerance, investment goals, and time horizon. Offer guidance on diversified portfolios and investment products aligned with their financial objectives.

  • Distribution channels: Feature the investment portfolio builder prominently on the company's product pages, promote it through retargeted Meta and Google Ads, and send it in sales emails. Give users who complete the portfolio builder a discount on investment advisory services.

We should be well set up for conversions to start rolling in.

Check out a quick tip for boosting conversions with interactive content.

Post funnel (retention and advocacy stage)

Check in with new customers to engage them further and help them on their quest to financial wellness.

  • Interactive content type: Financial wellness challenge

  • Goal: Retain and engage customers while fostering brand advocacy.

  • Content brief: Launch a financial wellness challenge with interactive content, encouraging customers to set and achieve specific financial goals. Support participants with interactive tools and resources like savings trackers, goal-setting worksheets, and progress dashboards.

  • Distribution channels: Ask customers to join the financial wellness challenge through email invitations, in-app notifications, and social media announcements. Encourage participants to share their progress on social media with a branded hashtag and offer rewards for completing the challenge and sharing experiences.

Guiding people on their quest to financial wellness and continuing to strengthen connections with them after conversion will win the company more fans. Perfect for retaining customers and building brand loyalty.

Top 5 Interactive Content Tools

  1. Convert

  2. Involve.me

  3. Outgrow

  4. Zembula

  5. Calculoid

1. Convert

interactive homepage of convertcalculator

This dynamic software has a range of capabilities. Create complex interactive calculators, product configurators, quizzes, surveys, and assessments - without coding skills.

This interactive content might be complex on the back end, but it’s user-friendly for your audience. Interacting with your business is simple, helping you increase engagement.

With a drag-and-drop builder, this interactive content tool is also user-friendly. Building content is easy, and you can choose from various templates to make it even easier.

Here are some pros of using this powerful interactive content tool:

* Complex question branching

* Embed into any website

* No coding skills needed

* Seamless integration

* Multi-functional tool

* High customization

* Unlimited users

* Free plan

Whether you want to make a simple survey or a complex interactive calculator, using the best interactive content tool will help you get it done.

Convert’s motto is: “Simple things are easy, hard things are possible.”


involve me homepage

This interactive content tool lets you make quizzes, surveys, and calculators. Available templates make it easy for you to create content to meet your needs.

The no-code builder has a drag-and-drop feature, making it user-friendly. You can create calculators using Excel-like formulas without any coding knowledge.

This tool offers 40+ templates to make creating quizzes, surveys, and calculators easy. It integrates with CRM tools and common email marketing services and supports payment integration.

Using Involve.me comes at a higher price point, it lacks customization options, and users are limited (only 3 on the highest plan).


outgrow homepage

This interactive content tool offers a range of options - calculators, quizzes, surveys, chatbots, and assessments. It also has a range of integrations, including with popular software like Mailchimp, HubSpot, and Salesforce.

Embed interactive content on your website, popup windows, and customer chat modules. The last option is a nice feature for connecting with customers immediately.

Check how your interactive content performs with solid analytics and data integration. This is great for changing what doesn’t work and doubling down on what does.

With 1,000+ pre-optimized templates, this software makes creating interactive content easy. The top tiers are pricey, though, with Essentials limited to three users and business limited to ten.


zembula homepage

Zembula specializes in enhancing email marketing efforts through interactive content. Its flagship features - Smart Banner and Smart Block - offer unique advantages.

The dynamic Smart Banner updates email content with real-time cart and item information when users open an email. Smart Block personalizes the sales process, delivering individualized customer data such as offers or point balances to effectively boost sales.

This software also helps you optimize email imagery. Notably, emails get updated with fresh data upon opening, ensuring a personalized experience no matter when recipients open them.


calculoid homepage

This interactive content tool lets you create web calculators, quizzes, and polls. The interface is user-friendly, using a drag-and-drop builder. You can create interactive content without any technical skills.

The free version lets you create content with up to 500 monthly views. But this version is severely limited otherwise.

You won’t get access to templates, online payment options, multi-page calculators, and more. They offer a 30-day full-featured trial, so you can at least test the software to see if it works for you.

There are plenty of interactive content tools to create unique content like interactive maps, interactive games, learning experiences and more.


We did it. Your definitive rundown to interactive content. Encouraging your audience to actively participate in your content has many benefits.

  • Enhance engagement

  • Increase brand awareness

  • Strengthen customer relationships

These are just some advantages of using interactive content.

Ultimately, including interactive elements in your content drives lead generation and increases conversions.

These outcomes fuel your business growth.

Create interactive content using Convert - without coding skills.

We’ve lowered the barrier of entry to interactive content. Bypass the need to spend big on interactive elements with our powerful software.

Sign up for a free forever account and invite your audience to participate in:

Get interactive with Convert.

Every business is pumping out content online and wrestling for attention. Like ancient Greek combatants, but your Olympia is the digital arena.

You’re up against millions of others trying to flick the curiosity switch in viewers’ brains. To convince them to stop the scroll. Hoping they’ll land on your content and spend precious time there.

Good content is everywhere now, so “good” doesn’t cut it anymore. You need to find a competitive edge.

The reason we’re giving you this definitive rundown.

Because interactive content gets more engagement than static content. Interactivity offers a superb way to wrest attention away from competitors.

This extensive article will cover: 

  • What is Interactive Content?

  • 10 Mind blowing Interactive Content Statistics

  • Interactive Elements for Electric Content Marketing

  • 9 Types of Interactive Content to Give You the Cutting Edge

  • Real-Life Moneymaking Interactive Content Examples

  • 11 Reasons Interactive Content is Uber Powerful

  • How to Create the Best Interactive Content

  • Effectively Using Interactive Content

  • Top 5 Interactive Content Tools

What is Interactive Content?

If you’re here on this page (and thank you), you’re reading this content. So far, you’re consuming static content.

Most content people pump out is static. Because audience members are passive participants when they read an article or watch a video.

Interactive content is different.

Interactivity invites active participation from consumers. You engage with the content in a different way than static consumption.

For instance, say you’re environmentally aware and want to calculate the costs and impact of installing solar. You can use an interactive sustainability calculator.

You actively participate in the process, inputting data and getting instant results.

Interactive content rests on user participation to encourage engagement.

Convert co-founder Bas Hennephof is a huge fan of interactive content because...

It creates engagement, transparency, and trust - solid foundations for doing business. I also love the insights you get with interactive content. Collecting data at scale lets you learn more about your audience and helps you score and qualify leads.

Get interactive and try out our sustainability calculator below.


10 Mindblowing Interactive Content Statistics

I could rattle out word after word telling you how amazing interactive content is for your business. But as a content creator, I always lean towards showing instead of telling - sometimes with words only, sometimes with an infographic like the one below.

10 interactive  content statistics that show how effective interactive content is

Interactive Elements for Electric Content Marketing

Content marketing involves drafting, creating, publishing, promoting, and sharing content with your audience.

You might do that through:

  • Email newsletters

  • Press releases

  • Social media

  • Podcasts

  • Blogs

The goal is to broaden your reach, grow your audience, engage people, build strong relationships, convert customers, and retain customer loyalty.

Including interactive elements in your content marketing gives you a head start on reaching those goals.

A solid content strategy targets people at different stages of the marketing funnel.

You’ll create content for:

  • Top of the funnel - Generating awareness in your business

  • Middle of the funnel - Guiding people to consider your products

  • Bottom of the funnel - Persuading them to buy and become customers

  • Post funnel - Fostering customer connections and retaining customer loyalty

Let's look at how interactive elements in your content can help for each stage.

Top of the funnel (TOFU)

a funnel focussing top of the funnel prospects

You want to get the word out about your business and generate awareness. What business owner doesn’t?

You reckon social media is a logical starting point - great choice!

The problem? Your competitors are on social platforms trying to do the same.

But you’re reading this fantabulous article about interactive content and decide to include an interactive element in your post.

We’ll say your business is selling hair products. Your social media post incorporates an interactive quiz where people submit their contact details to discover information about their hair type.

It turns out people love taking these quizzes on social media. Your post gets tons of engagement, and users share it with friends.

You just drummed up heaps of awareness using an interactive element in your content. Broadening your reach, growing your audience, and capturing new leads feels like an adrenaline shot.

Middle of the funnel (MOFU)

middle of the funnel prospects

You’ve chipped away at TOFU content, and your content marketing strategy is flying so far. It’s time to throw some MOFU content into the mix and guide people to consider your products.

Good thing you captured those leads and contact details. Perfect for starting an email campaign to engage prospects and build strong relationships.

The quiz gave you more info than email addresses, though. You also know all the different hair types your leads have.

You’re smart. So, you create an interactive calculator to include in your emails. It shows prospects how much product they need to treat their hair type and how much it’ll cost.

The calculator records interactions and integrates with analytics platforms, letting you gather more customer insights. Now, you can target those leads who showed a keen interest in your products. You’re on a roll.

Bottom of the funnel (BOFU)

bottom of the funnel prospects

Email is a great marketing outlet for BOFU content, so you decide to stick with it. You send a sales email to the prospects who showed a strong interest in your MOFU content.

This sales email links to a landing page showcasing your products. Like any landing page worth its salt, testimonials communicate the positive experiences of your many happy customers.

The interactive product configurator you embedded into the landing page awaits those interested. You’re smart and programmed it with a 20% discount.

Customers can complete their orders directly from the landing page - from product selection to payment. Because you added a payment button to the product configurator, letting customers pay on the spot.

Sit back as your interactive content converts customers.

Post funnel

Converting customers feels invigorating, right? But you can’t rest on your laurels.

You have a brilliant opportunity to foster connections and retain customer loyalty.

And you guessed it. Interactive elements in your content help forge customer advocacy.

Offer more valuable content and continued support. Connect with people after they become paying customers.

An interactive survey is one way to stay connected with buyers.

Ask them about their experiences. Give them the option to make recommendations for improvement.

You get their feedback while showing them you value their opinions. It’s a win-win.

9 Types of Interactive Content to Give You the Cutting Edge

You’ve seen 10 mind-blowing interactive content statistics showing how effective interactive content is for marketing your business. You also know how interactive elements can electrify your content throughout the marketing funnel.

Now, let’s explore 9 types of interactive content that’ll give you the cutting edge over your competitors.

1. Calculators

Online calculators are fantastic for maximizing engagement when people visit your website. It’s almost impossible to skip past a calculator without inputting your data and getting personalized results - for me, anyway.

Calculators not only increase engagement but also help you to connect more with website visitors. This link fosters relationships and guides prospects on the customer journey.

Let’s say your business is in the financial sector, for instance. A finance calculator on your website is perfect for educating your potential customers about their economic situations.

Educating visitors helps you to:

  • Show expertise

  • Build authority and trust

  • Empower potential customers

  • Maximize leads and conversions

Calculators are perfect for gaining leverage over your competitors.


2. Product Configurators

Let me start with this fascinating tidbit: Product configurators are the most effective type of interactive content for the bottom of the funnel - Content Marketing Institute and Ion Interactive.

So, product configurators are super effective when people are ready to buy. Including them in your content maximizes your conversion potential.

A product configurator allows potential customers to customize products to suit their needs.

  • People can visit your site

  • Use the product configurator

  • Choose the exact configuration

  • See an image of the product

  • Buy it on the configurator

No wonder product configurators are so powerful for bottom-of-the-funnel content.


3. Quizzes

When building brand awareness, quizzes are one of the most effective tools in your kit. Exactly why I used an interactive quiz as an example of electrifying top-of-the-funnel content.

You already know quizzes are fun, attract heaps of engagement, and get shared a lot on social media. Some of the reasons they’re perfect for spreading the word about your business.

But you may not know this: Quizzes are also an excellent way to capture and qualify leads. The fun and engaging properties do the capturing, while the questions you ask do the qualifying.

Based on respondents’ answers, you can gauge their buying interest in your products. Customer insights like these are gold for your marketing strategy.

Quizzes can also be built into your advertising to improve engagement and return on ad spend (ROAS).


4. Surveys

Surveys tap into our intrinsic human desire for expression and feedback.

Invite customers to share their:

  • Opinions

  • Preferences

  • Experiences

Interactive surveys establish a valuable dialogue between you and your audience.

This engagement fosters connection and trust with your customers. Surveys show that you value their feedback.

And you should. Because this feedback gives you precious insights into your target market. Instead of guessing what your customers think, you get a deep understanding of their needs, preferences, and pain points.

Such data lets you make strategic marketing decisions while tailoring your services to help customers even more. I’d say that’s a perfect one-two for higher conversions.


5. Assessments

Interactive assessments are a powerful weapon in your marketing arsenal. They give you an advantage over competitors using traditional content.

Don’t bring static content to an interactive content fight.

Don’t bring a gun to a knife fight definitely sounds better lol. Anyway…

Interactive tests captivate audiences by asking questions related to their interests or needs. 

This forges a sense of involvement. It keeps users engaged and invested in the content.

They also deliver personalized results tailored to specific answers. You can make product recommendations customized to individual preferences or challenges for an enhanced user experience.

Interactive assessments are a powerful lead-generation tool for these reasons. Ask for contact information in exchange for results.

You generate high-quality leads from engaged prospects. Those chasing solutions are primed for further nurturing and conversion into loyal customers.


6. Interactive Infographics

When thinking about the cutting edge of marketing, infographics don’t immediately spring to mind. Infographics have been around for years, displaying data with a visual touch.

Infographics have been declared dead and buried many times. But they’re the Lazarus of content marketing, miraculously rising to life again.

The truth is that infographics have never been dead. But they often get overlooked because of oversaturation.

Infographics have had to evolve to grab people’s attention anew. Interactive infographics have become the next step on the evolutionary ladder.

NeoMam’s 13 Reasons Why Your Brain Craves Infographics is an excellent example of an attention-grabbing interactive infographic.

7. Interactive Maps

An interactive map visually depicts a physical location, changing as a user engages with the content. Google Street View is a familiar example of an interactive map.

Interactive maps help to engage your audience and encourage them to consume your content.

For instance, say you run a travel business doing guided tours. You could create interactive maps for each destination, showing potential customers what each location offers.

Storytelling is also a powerful application for interactive maps. Netflix created an interactive map of the Continent for The Witcher - love that show.

Using interactive maps would be effective if you have various business locations. You could use interactivity to tell the story behind each location.

8. Games

Who doesn’t love games? Not only are they entertaining, but they can also educate potential customers about your products.

There’s a reason 93% of marketers rate interactive content as effective for educating the buyer. Games offer an entertaining way of showcasing your products.

Interactive games are expensive to create, unlike interactive content like calculators, product configurators, and quizzes with Convert. This makes games less feasible for your marketing strategy.

If you’ve got the budget, games are excellent for:

  • Generating engagement

  • Sharing on socials

  • Backlinks

9. Interactive Webinars

Lead generation, lead nurturing, and sales are the main benefits of using interactive webinars. This is more effective for B2B businesses.

B2B webinars have a high lead-generation rate. Attendees converting into leads is as high as 73% through webinars.

Creating an interactive webinar is easier than ever. So, you can host a live event with a Q&A where you answer questions about your services.

This format is fantastic for:

  • Showcasing product benefits

  • Educating prospects

  • Engaging users

  • Building trust

  • Converting

Real-Life Moneymaking Interactive Content Examples

Statistics on interactive content support its effectiveness. But seeing the benefits in action is always good.

Here are three real-life moneymaking interactive content examples.

1. Ellio

interactive product configurator for electric bikes

Ellio is a Belgian speed pedelec manufacturer. The company aims to revolutionize the e-bike industry by incorporating automotive technology into a new breed of e-bikes.

Ellio had a problem, though. The e-bikes have various configurations, so people can customize a bike before buying. This resulted in a slow quoting process through phone and email - until Ellio started using Convert.

The guys at Ellio created a product configurator with Convert. It allows customers to configure e-bikes to their liking on Ellio’s website and get an instant quote.

Ellio got 4x more leads with this interactive content, a noticeable rise in website traffic, and higher conversion rates.

Check out the Ellio Case Study for the whole story.

2. Heineken

heineken bottle slider game showing bottles and a mobile phone in the foreground

To promote its brand in Ireland, Heineken launched its legendary bottle slider game. The company delivered the game as a multi-screen online display ad - bottles and target on a primary screen and control of the paddle on a smartphone screen.

The company funnelled users to an ad when they completed the game. This popular game got +2 million views and +78,000 individual players in 24 hours.

It proved useful for Heineken, helping the company raise brand awareness and boost sales in the Emerald Isle.

3. Duracell

duracell interactive game with participants faces and their scores

Wunderman Thompson partnered with Duracell to create Bunny Hop. The marketing agency built the game for Duracell using Spark AR, Meta’s Augmented Reality platform, and launched it on Instagram.

In the retro-style game, players control the Duracell Bunny and try to complete an obstacle course. The bunny must leap over rocks, cacti, and walls to finish the game. A boost from Duracell batteries along the way makes it easier, allowing the bunny to smash through obstacles.

According to Jonothan Hunt, senior creative technologist at Wunderman Thompson, people were playing for two and a half minutes on average.

That’s more engagement than you can expect with static content.

Go here for more real-life examples of interactive content marketing.

11 Reasons Interactive Content is Uber-Powerful

text giving 11 Reasons Interactive Content is Uber-Powerful

The majority of marketers prefer interactive content over static content. There must be reasons for the preference.

You’ll want to start using interactive elements after reading these 11 reasons interactive content is uber-powerful - if you don’t already.

1. Enhanced user engagement

starships in battle

We’re constantly bombarded with content - information flying at us from all directions. Like laser cannon blasts at the Battle of Yavin in Star Wars.

We’re getting emails, watching videos, sharing memes, scrolling the feed, skipping ads. Capturing and maintaining user attention is more challenging than ever.

This is where interactive content shines brighter in an already gleaming content galaxy.

As you know, interactive content invites users to actively participate rather than passively consume.

These dynamic experiences captivate users and keep them immersed in the content.

One of the primary reasons interactive content is so powerful is its ability to enhance user engagement. Unlike traditional static content, interactive elements prompt users to take action, making the experience more enjoyable and memorable.

Users become active participants in the content journey - from clicking buttons to answering questions to manipulating virtual elements. It’s almost impossible not to engage with interactive content because we’re hardwired for interaction.

Interactive content also provides immediate feedback and quenches our thirst for instant gratification. This feedback loop fuels continued engagement, encouraging users to explore and spend more time on your content.

As a result, you can forge deeper connections with your audience and achieve higher levels of engagement than ever before.

2. Increased brand awareness

zebra with pink mohawk representing increased brand awareness

Establishing a strong brand presence is central to success. Interactive content can help you stand out in whatever zebra zeal your industry is in.

Have you ever heard of pattern interrupt?

This is a psychological trigger that snaps people from their typical habits. Similar to how the bolded question above may have interrupted your scroll.

I’m in the copywriting industry. 

Everyone is “captivating” this and “brand voicing” that. It’s hard to stand out from competitors. 

Pity I used that zebra reference already - it’d work perfectly here.

You need something to help you get noticed. Some way to interrupt the pattern. A leg-up to pop your head above a sea of competitors.

Why not use interactive content for the boost you need?

Say you’re in construction, you could let potential customers design a home from start to finish - like a tiny house builder company might. When you do something different, it interrupts the pattern and raises your brand awareness.

Leave a lasting impression and make an impact with interactive content. It can be your unexpected pink mohawk that grabs people’s attention.

3. Personalized user experience

Interactive content lets you deliver a personalized experience to customers and prospects. Versatile tools like calculators and quizzes help you tailor interactions to the unique preferences and interests of each user.

Static content offers a broader approach to audience experiences. Whereas interactive content allows you to dynamically adjust outcomes based on user interactions, preferences, and demographics.

Creating highly relevant and personalized information is possible with interactive content.  This resonates more with users compared to broader content.

You might use interactive assessments that deliver customized recommendations or interactive product configurators that showcase personalized product options.

4. Data collection and insights

Data helps with informed decision-making and strategic marketing initiatives. Gathering information is a powerful feature of interactive content, allowing you to extract actionable insights.

Static content offers limited opportunities for data capture. Whereas the participatory nature of interactive content encourages users to input their details in exchange for valuable results.

You can track user responses in quizzes and surveys or interactions with interactive elements like calculators. Did they complete their responses? If not, where did they exit the content?

Complete and partial submissions offer helpful feedback. The former offers precious insights into wants, needs, and desires. The latter tells you what to improve in your interactive content for better future results.

Data and insights help you refine your marketing strategies moving forward.

5. Improved learning outcomes

interactive loan payment calculator

Interactive content helps educate consumers about your business. That’s why 93% of marketers rate interactive content as effective for educating buyers.

You might find it hard to communicate the features and benefits of your products, especially if you’re in a complex industry like financial services. Including interactive content in your marketing materials is super helpful.

For instance, you could let potential customers use a financial calculator to showcase your products. Interacting with the tool and getting results makes learning about the features and benefits easier.

Interactivity is more immersive and helps people connect on a deeper level through participation. Describing the features and explaining the benefits would be less effective.

You tell someone about your complex financial service - they forget. You visually show them how it works - they remember. You let them interact with a tool - they understand.

6. Adaptability and versatility

Interactive elements are flexible and multifaceted tools that not only meet the evolving needs of audiences but also adapt to various platforms and formats with ease.

Where to embed interactive content:

  • Social media posts/ads

  • Email newsletters

  • Landing pages

  • Blog articles

  • Website

Interactive content caters to different audience segments, addresses diverse topics, and serves various marketing objectives. Use it for:

  1. Top of the funnel

  2. Middle of the funnel

  3. Bottom of the funnel

  4. Post funnel

You can repurpose and repackage interactive content across channels and platforms, maximizing its reach and impact. For instance, using the same interactive test for social media and email campaigns is easy. Simply embed the tool where you need it.

7. Mobile-friendly and accessible

Are you reading this article on your mobile? There’s a 63% chance you are if you’re in America and found it through Google Search.

How do I know? Because 63% of Google searches occur on mobile in the U.S.

Mobile devices account for most of the screen time globally, with the average person spending 3hrs 46mins on their smartphones in 2023. With over 4.8 billion smartphone users worldwide, that’s a massive amount of screen time.

The bottom line? You need to be pumping out content accessible on mobile. Luckily, interactive content tools like Convert are optimized for mobile.

Use QR codes so your audience can instantly access your content straight from their mobile.

Engage and connect with your audience where they spend the most time. Mobile-friendly interactive content ensures you deliver the best possible user experience.

8. Social sharing and virality


Interactive content like quizzes are super sharable on social media. The most shared quiz published between 2017-2022 got a total of 5.5 million social interactions.

That shows the power of quizzes for sparking engagement and driving virality across social platforms.

Chances are you won’t get that level of interaction. But that doesn’t mean people won’t share your interactive content. And who knows, you might go viral.

Each share is a new connection extending outwards, reaching more users and attracting new people. This increases brand awareness and grows your audience.

Virality without taking advantage of it is a missed opportunity, though. The lead-capture capabilities of interactive content means you can reap the regards of high engagement.

Invite users to exchange contact details for results, and you’re golden.

9. Long-term value and sustainability

Interactive content offers long-term value and sustainability. You might know this as evergreen content.

This type of content doesn’t become outdated over time. And your interactive content likely falls into this category - unless you’re Apple creating content for the latest iPhone.

Interactive content based on your products or services is unlikely to become irrelevant. The interactive experiences you deliver will continue to engage and connect with people long after the initial launch.

Create interactive content to:

  • Address customer needs

  • Identify pain points

  • Offer solutions

This formula is timeless, so your content will remain evergreen.

Interactive content tends to have a longer shelf life than traditional static content. Because its dynamic and engaging nature encourages users to revisit and interact with it multiple times.

Also, a user’s circumstances might change. Inputting new data into interactive content like a sustainability calculator will give them a different result.

10. Enhanced customer relationships

With so much industry competition, fostering meaningful customer relationships is chief for building loyalty and advocacy. Interactive content can help you deepen connections and forge long-lasting relationships.

Surveys are an excellent way to create loyalty and turn customers into brand advocates. They show customers you:

  • Value their opinions

  • Want to help them solve problems

  • Will use their feedback to make improvements

A survey can establish a bond between you and your customers. You’re in this together, participating in the process and shaping outcomes.

This is much better than a traditional seller/consumer relationship, which can feel impersonal or one-sided. Colder than a blast of Arctic wind.

Of course, two-way communication also gives you valuable customer feedback. Not only does it strengthen relationships, but it also offers you insights for product development.

Everyone’s a winner with interactive content.

11. Lead generation and conversion

icons representing lead generation and conversion - sales funnel

Lead generation and conversions are the fuel that launches business growth. Interactive content is the spark needed to ignite the gas and send you on your way.

These two statistics tell the story:

  1. 75% of marketers agree that non-gated interactive content can provide a “sample” of the brand, resulting in a higher degree of lead nurturing.

  2. Interactive content generates 2x more conversions than static content.

The last stat is the big one. What would your business look like if you doubled your conversion rate? I bet 100% more sales would go down well, like your favorite drink relaxing by the beach.

So, why does interactive content drive lead generation and increase conversions?

The answer lies in the reasons we covered:

  • Enhanced user engagement - An engaged audience is more likely to hand over their contact details, allowing you to guide them on the customer journey to conversion.

  • Increased brand awareness - Bigger audience → higher engagement → more leads (if you play your cards right) → higher conversion potential.

  • Personalized user experience - Relevant and personalized information resonates with your audience because it addresses their preferences and needs, driving leads and conversions.

  • Data collection and insights - Analyzing data on engagement and conversions and gaining insights through customer feedback lets you double down on what’s working and discard what isn’t.

  • Improved learning outcomes - Active learning helps prospects retain information about your business, like features and benefits, increasing your chances of securing leads and conversions.

  • Adaptability and versatility - Use interactive content for all stages of the marketing funnel and across various platforms, covering all your bases for more leads and conversions.

  • Mobile-friendly and accessible - Meets potential customers where they spend the most time to boost leads and conversions.

  • Social sharing and virality - Reach more people and attract new prospects, ensuring targeted content captures more leads.

  • Long-term value and sustainability - Evergreen content has long-term value. It can attract leads and convert new customers for longer.

  • Enhanced customer relationships - Turn customers into loyal brand advocates who will buy from you again and filter new leads to your business (don’t sleep on word of mouth and glowing customer reviews).

Handling interactive content well lets you cash in on more leads and higher conversions. Let’s keep the momentum going and dive into creating the best interactive content.

How to Create the Best Interactive Content


How do you expertly wield interactive content like a master artist wielding their paintbrush? Caravaggio created paintings while you want to produce interactive content - two distinct pursuits.

But make no mistake, there’s an art to crafting interactive elements that generate leads and boost conversions. This section shows you how to create the best interactive content that resonates with your audience and achieves your marketing goals.

  1. Define your goals

  2. Know your audience

  3. Choose the best format

  4. Develop compelling content

  5. Give your visitors value

  6. Pay attention to UX

  7. Promote content

1. Define your goals

Start by identifying your reasons for creating interactive content. You might want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or boost conversion rates.

Clarifying your goals will guide the content creation process and ensure alignment with your overall marketing strategy. Because different types of interactive content work better for various goals.

For instance, quizzes and tests are an outstanding way to increase brand awareness. Whereas product configurators are better suited to increasing conversions.

2. Know your audience

Knowing your target audience's preferences, interests, and pain points helps you create interactive content that resonates with them. Conduct audience research, analyze demographic data, and gather feedback. Gain insights into their needs and preferences.

You could even use interactive content like surveys to gather insights from existing customers. Current customers will act like a mirror to the people you want to target.

Find out precisely how your business helps people solve their problems. Sending a feedback survey to existing customers can be priceless.

Another option is creating polls and posting them on social media. The data can help you peer into the minds of potential customers.

3. Choose the best format

Always match your goals with the best interactive content tool for the job. I’ve never seen a gardener trying to cut down a tree with a spade - they’d be at it for a while.

Select the type of interactive content that best suits your objectives. Say you want to target people considering your services - you’ll need to use middle-of-the-funnel content.

An interactive calculator might be your best bet. Potential customers could compare your services based on their needs and discover the best solutions.

The content helps them evaluate their options and make educated decisions. A calculator was the right tool for the job in that scenario.

4. Develop compelling content

Compelling content lies at the heart of any successful interactive content strategy. Think of it as the main ingredient in your interactive content marketing cocktail.

Make it irresistible to your target audience. Make it easy to swallow.

Create informative, entertaining, and relevant content. Craft engaging questions if you’re building a quiz or test, and provide clear instructions for calculators and surveys.

Always ensure the content is easy to understand because confusion is an engagement killer. Use conversational language to make your content relatable, encouraging viewers to interact.

Address the problems potential customers face, prompting them to provide meaningful responses. Use visuals, multimedia elements, and interactive features to grab attention and make the content more engaging.

5. Give your visitors value

Your interactive content should offer value to your audience. Provide actionable insights, personalized recommendations, or entertaining experiences.

Address their needs, solve their problems, or satisfy their curiosity. Keep them engaged and returning for more.

For instance, a banking business might use a finance calculator to give prospects valuable insights into their economic situations. It could show them:

  • How much money they need to save for a house deposit

  • How long that might take

  • Mortgage plans to suit their needs.

Your audience will engage with your interactive content if they get value in return.

6. Pay attention to UX

Design your interactive content with the UX (user experience) in mind. Make it visually appealing to attract attention and easy to navigate to hold it. Your audience will lose interest and leave if your content is too complicated.

Mobile-friendly interactive content is more important than ever. We’re engaging with businesses on mobile at a higher rate. Accommodating users across different devices and platforms is crucial.

Test your interactive content thoroughly for mobile and tablet. Identify usability issues or technical glitches and optimize accordingly.

7. Promote content

No point in creating the best interactive content if you don't promote it. Your audience might not find and engage with it - what a waste.

Get the word out across your marketing channels to reach your target audience. Share your interactive content on social media, include it in email campaigns, feature it on your website, and funnel leads to landing pages containing it.

Monitor its performance, track key metrics, and iterate based on user feedback to continuously improve its effectiveness.

Effectively Using Interactive Content

lord of the rings image of gandalf overlaid with a graph

This section outlines a hypothetical marketing campaign effectively using interactive content: Your Quest to Financial Wellness. I like “Quest” because it has Lord of the Rings vibes - I’m a LOTR geek.

I chose the financial services industry because companies like Rabobank use Convert with great success - check out our Rabobank Case Study to see the results.

Let’s jump into the campaign with interactive content.

Top of the funnel (awareness stage)

Grab attention and get some eyeballs on our interactive content to raise awareness. Here’s how.

  • Interactive content type: Financial health quiz

  • Goal: Attract a broad audience interested in personal finance and educate them about it.

  • Content brief: Create an interactive quiz to help people assess their financial health and suggest areas for improvement. Include questions about budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debts.

  • Distribution channels: Promote the quiz on social media, set up influencer partnerships, include it in blog articles targeting organic search and link to it in personal finance forums. Or you could create an ad campaign.

This gives us a good starting point for the campaign.

Check out a quick tip for spreading awareness with interactive content.

Middle of the funnel (consideration stage)

Time to focus more on the people interested in the quiz. We target them with more specific interactive content.

  • Interactive content type: Budgeting calculator

  • Goal: Nurture leads and offer users personalized help with budgeting.

  • Content brief: Build an interactive budgeting calculator that allows your audience to input their income, expenses, and financial goals. Offer personalized recommendations and tips for optimizing their budgets to become financially stable.

  • Distribution channels: Embed the budgeting calculator on the company’s website, send targeted emails that include the calculator, and promote it through the email newsletter to target current subscribers interested in financial planning. Offer incentives to those who complete the calculator - like a downloadable PDF guide with additional budgeting tips and strategies.

The audience should be nicely warmed up now.

Check out a quick tip for guiding buyer consideration with interactive content.

Bottom of the funnel (decision stage)

Our target audience here is aware of the business, familiar with what it offers, and trust it because they received valuable information.

  • Interactive content type: Investment portfolio builder

  • Goal: Convert leads into customers by offering personalized investment advice.

  • Content brief: Create an interactive investment portfolio builder that helps users design a customized investment strategy based on their risk tolerance, investment goals, and time horizon. Offer guidance on diversified portfolios and investment products aligned with their financial objectives.

  • Distribution channels: Feature the investment portfolio builder prominently on the company's product pages, promote it through retargeted Meta and Google Ads, and send it in sales emails. Give users who complete the portfolio builder a discount on investment advisory services.

We should be well set up for conversions to start rolling in.

Check out a quick tip for boosting conversions with interactive content.

Post funnel (retention and advocacy stage)

Check in with new customers to engage them further and help them on their quest to financial wellness.

  • Interactive content type: Financial wellness challenge

  • Goal: Retain and engage customers while fostering brand advocacy.

  • Content brief: Launch a financial wellness challenge with interactive content, encouraging customers to set and achieve specific financial goals. Support participants with interactive tools and resources like savings trackers, goal-setting worksheets, and progress dashboards.

  • Distribution channels: Ask customers to join the financial wellness challenge through email invitations, in-app notifications, and social media announcements. Encourage participants to share their progress on social media with a branded hashtag and offer rewards for completing the challenge and sharing experiences.

Guiding people on their quest to financial wellness and continuing to strengthen connections with them after conversion will win the company more fans. Perfect for retaining customers and building brand loyalty.

Top 5 Interactive Content Tools

  1. Convert

  2. Involve.me

  3. Outgrow

  4. Zembula

  5. Calculoid

1. Convert

interactive homepage of convertcalculator

This dynamic software has a range of capabilities. Create complex interactive calculators, product configurators, quizzes, surveys, and assessments - without coding skills.

This interactive content might be complex on the back end, but it’s user-friendly for your audience. Interacting with your business is simple, helping you increase engagement.

With a drag-and-drop builder, this interactive content tool is also user-friendly. Building content is easy, and you can choose from various templates to make it even easier.

Here are some pros of using this powerful interactive content tool:

* Complex question branching

* Embed into any website

* No coding skills needed

* Seamless integration

* Multi-functional tool

* High customization

* Unlimited users

* Free plan

Whether you want to make a simple survey or a complex interactive calculator, using the best interactive content tool will help you get it done.

Convert’s motto is: “Simple things are easy, hard things are possible.”


involve me homepage

This interactive content tool lets you make quizzes, surveys, and calculators. Available templates make it easy for you to create content to meet your needs.

The no-code builder has a drag-and-drop feature, making it user-friendly. You can create calculators using Excel-like formulas without any coding knowledge.

This tool offers 40+ templates to make creating quizzes, surveys, and calculators easy. It integrates with CRM tools and common email marketing services and supports payment integration.

Using Involve.me comes at a higher price point, it lacks customization options, and users are limited (only 3 on the highest plan).


outgrow homepage

This interactive content tool offers a range of options - calculators, quizzes, surveys, chatbots, and assessments. It also has a range of integrations, including with popular software like Mailchimp, HubSpot, and Salesforce.

Embed interactive content on your website, popup windows, and customer chat modules. The last option is a nice feature for connecting with customers immediately.

Check how your interactive content performs with solid analytics and data integration. This is great for changing what doesn’t work and doubling down on what does.

With 1,000+ pre-optimized templates, this software makes creating interactive content easy. The top tiers are pricey, though, with Essentials limited to three users and business limited to ten.


zembula homepage

Zembula specializes in enhancing email marketing efforts through interactive content. Its flagship features - Smart Banner and Smart Block - offer unique advantages.

The dynamic Smart Banner updates email content with real-time cart and item information when users open an email. Smart Block personalizes the sales process, delivering individualized customer data such as offers or point balances to effectively boost sales.

This software also helps you optimize email imagery. Notably, emails get updated with fresh data upon opening, ensuring a personalized experience no matter when recipients open them.


calculoid homepage

This interactive content tool lets you create web calculators, quizzes, and polls. The interface is user-friendly, using a drag-and-drop builder. You can create interactive content without any technical skills.

The free version lets you create content with up to 500 monthly views. But this version is severely limited otherwise.

You won’t get access to templates, online payment options, multi-page calculators, and more. They offer a 30-day full-featured trial, so you can at least test the software to see if it works for you.

There are plenty of interactive content tools to create unique content like interactive maps, interactive games, learning experiences and more.


We did it. Your definitive rundown to interactive content. Encouraging your audience to actively participate in your content has many benefits.

  • Enhance engagement

  • Increase brand awareness

  • Strengthen customer relationships

These are just some advantages of using interactive content.

Ultimately, including interactive elements in your content drives lead generation and increases conversions.

These outcomes fuel your business growth.

Create interactive content using Convert - without coding skills.

We’ve lowered the barrier of entry to interactive content. Bypass the need to spend big on interactive elements with our powerful software.

Sign up for a free forever account and invite your audience to participate in:

Get interactive with Convert.


Read our answers to frequently asked questions below.

Does interactive content perform better than static content?

Yes, interactive content performs better than static content. People like engaging more with interactive content because it lets them be active participants instead of passive consumers.

That’s why interactive content gets 52.6% more engagement than static content.

Using interactive elements in content also helps you get more conversions. Interactive content generates 2x more conversions than static content.

These two statistics show how interactivity is better for content marketing.

Does interactive content perform better than static content?

Yes, interactive content performs better than static content. People like engaging more with interactive content because it lets them be active participants instead of passive consumers.

That’s why interactive content gets 52.6% more engagement than static content.

Using interactive elements in content also helps you get more conversions. Interactive content generates 2x more conversions than static content.

These two statistics show how interactivity is better for content marketing.

Does interactive content perform better than static content?

Yes, interactive content performs better than static content. People like engaging more with interactive content because it lets them be active participants instead of passive consumers.

That’s why interactive content gets 52.6% more engagement than static content.

Using interactive elements in content also helps you get more conversions. Interactive content generates 2x more conversions than static content.

These two statistics show how interactivity is better for content marketing.

Why do people like interactive content?

People are drawn to interactive content. Because it offers a more engaging and personalized experience than traditional static content. Here are some key reasons why people enjoy interactive content:

  • Engagement - active participation rather than passive consumption captures and maintains attention more effectively. This makes the overall experience more enjoyable and memorable.

  • Personalization - experiences tailored to individual preferences and interests with customized content enhance overall satisfaction.

  • Entertainment - quizzes, tests, and games are inherently entertaining. They offer a fun and immersive experience. A welcome break from the monotony of traditional content consumption.

  • Learning - helps with active learning to retain knowledge through fun engagement.

  • Feedback - offers immediate feedback based on interactions. This reinforces gratification and encourages continued use.

Why do people like interactive content?

People are drawn to interactive content. Because it offers a more engaging and personalized experience than traditional static content. Here are some key reasons why people enjoy interactive content:

  • Engagement - active participation rather than passive consumption captures and maintains attention more effectively. This makes the overall experience more enjoyable and memorable.

  • Personalization - experiences tailored to individual preferences and interests with customized content enhance overall satisfaction.

  • Entertainment - quizzes, tests, and games are inherently entertaining. They offer a fun and immersive experience. A welcome break from the monotony of traditional content consumption.

  • Learning - helps with active learning to retain knowledge through fun engagement.

  • Feedback - offers immediate feedback based on interactions. This reinforces gratification and encourages continued use.

Why do people like interactive content?

People are drawn to interactive content. Because it offers a more engaging and personalized experience than traditional static content. Here are some key reasons why people enjoy interactive content:

  • Engagement - active participation rather than passive consumption captures and maintains attention more effectively. This makes the overall experience more enjoyable and memorable.

  • Personalization - experiences tailored to individual preferences and interests with customized content enhance overall satisfaction.

  • Entertainment - quizzes, tests, and games are inherently entertaining. They offer a fun and immersive experience. A welcome break from the monotony of traditional content consumption.

  • Learning - helps with active learning to retain knowledge through fun engagement.

  • Feedback - offers immediate feedback based on interactions. This reinforces gratification and encourages continued use.

What is interactive vs. static content?

Interactive content actively engages users and allows them to participate in the experience, often by interacting with elements within the content. Examples are calculators, product configurators, quizzes, surveys, and assessments. Interactive content encourages active engagement with the material, offering a more engaging and personalized experience.

Static content is fixed and unchanging - text, images, and videos that users can view but not interact with. Examples of static content include eBooks, blog posts, and traditional videos. While static content is still valuable for conveying information, it doesn’t offer the same level of engagement as interactive content.

What is interactive vs. static content?

Interactive content actively engages users and allows them to participate in the experience, often by interacting with elements within the content. Examples are calculators, product configurators, quizzes, surveys, and assessments. Interactive content encourages active engagement with the material, offering a more engaging and personalized experience.

Static content is fixed and unchanging - text, images, and videos that users can view but not interact with. Examples of static content include eBooks, blog posts, and traditional videos. While static content is still valuable for conveying information, it doesn’t offer the same level of engagement as interactive content.

What is interactive vs. static content?

Interactive content actively engages users and allows them to participate in the experience, often by interacting with elements within the content. Examples are calculators, product configurators, quizzes, surveys, and assessments. Interactive content encourages active engagement with the material, offering a more engaging and personalized experience.

Static content is fixed and unchanging - text, images, and videos that users can view but not interact with. Examples of static content include eBooks, blog posts, and traditional videos. While static content is still valuable for conveying information, it doesn’t offer the same level of engagement as interactive content.

What is the best way to include interactive content on a web page?

The best way to include interactive content on a web page depends on the type of interactive content and your goals. Here are some general guidelines for including interactive content effectively:

  1. Choose the right format - Select the type of interactive content that aligns with your goals and target audience. That might be quizzes for the top of the funnel, calculators for the middle of the funnel, and product configurators for the bottom.

  2. Consider user experience - Make interactive content visually appealing, easy to navigate, and seamlessly integrated into the overall design of the web page.

  3. Place strategically - Position interactive elements strategically within the web page to maximize engagement, using call-to-action buttons to draw attention.

  4. Provide clear instructions - Clearly explain how users can interact with the content and what they can expect to gain from the experience. Provide concise instructions to guide users through the interactive features.

  5. Test and iterate - Monitor the performance of the interactive content and gather feedback to identify areas for improvement. Conduct A/B testing to compare different variations and optimize the content for maximum engagement and effectiveness.

  6. Integrate with analytics - Track interactions with analytics tools. Analyze engagement metrics and conversion rates to measure the impact and inform future strategies.

What is the best way to include interactive content on a web page?

The best way to include interactive content on a web page depends on the type of interactive content and your goals. Here are some general guidelines for including interactive content effectively:

  1. Choose the right format - Select the type of interactive content that aligns with your goals and target audience. That might be quizzes for the top of the funnel, calculators for the middle of the funnel, and product configurators for the bottom.

  2. Consider user experience - Make interactive content visually appealing, easy to navigate, and seamlessly integrated into the overall design of the web page.

  3. Place strategically - Position interactive elements strategically within the web page to maximize engagement, using call-to-action buttons to draw attention.

  4. Provide clear instructions - Clearly explain how users can interact with the content and what they can expect to gain from the experience. Provide concise instructions to guide users through the interactive features.

  5. Test and iterate - Monitor the performance of the interactive content and gather feedback to identify areas for improvement. Conduct A/B testing to compare different variations and optimize the content for maximum engagement and effectiveness.

  6. Integrate with analytics - Track interactions with analytics tools. Analyze engagement metrics and conversion rates to measure the impact and inform future strategies.

What is the best way to include interactive content on a web page?

The best way to include interactive content on a web page depends on the type of interactive content and your goals. Here are some general guidelines for including interactive content effectively:

  1. Choose the right format - Select the type of interactive content that aligns with your goals and target audience. That might be quizzes for the top of the funnel, calculators for the middle of the funnel, and product configurators for the bottom.

  2. Consider user experience - Make interactive content visually appealing, easy to navigate, and seamlessly integrated into the overall design of the web page.

  3. Place strategically - Position interactive elements strategically within the web page to maximize engagement, using call-to-action buttons to draw attention.

  4. Provide clear instructions - Clearly explain how users can interact with the content and what they can expect to gain from the experience. Provide concise instructions to guide users through the interactive features.

  5. Test and iterate - Monitor the performance of the interactive content and gather feedback to identify areas for improvement. Conduct A/B testing to compare different variations and optimize the content for maximum engagement and effectiveness.

  6. Integrate with analytics - Track interactions with analytics tools. Analyze engagement metrics and conversion rates to measure the impact and inform future strategies.

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More leads in less time_

Start building the future of your company, today

Create powerful on brand calculators, lead generation forms and apps that automate your marketing and sales processes

Start with a template

Find inspiration or customize an outstanding template, complete with functional formulas and flows to help you get started.

Let us build for you

We can build your calculator, and afterwards you can always make changes yourself. Our service starts at just $250.

More leads in less time_

Start building the future of your company, today

Create powerful on brand calculators, lead generation forms and apps that automate your marketing and sales processes

Start with a template

Find inspiration or customize an outstanding template, complete with functional formulas and flows to help you get started.

Let us build for you

We can build your calculator, and afterwards you can always make changes yourself. Our service starts at just $250.